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Birch trees against the blue sky outside of Leaf Rapids, MB

Birch trees against the blue sky outside of Leaf Rapids, MB

Coffee, cookies and community engagement

March 28, 2019 | 2:30-3:30pm | 300 Tier

March 25, 2019 — 

Are you ready to get some hands-on community experience?

Join Community Service-Learning for some coffee and cookies, and learn about our programs in Winnipeg, Northern Manitoba and Belize.

CSL Coordinator, Anny Chen, will be on-hand to answer questions about:

  • food and gardening programming up north in Leaf Rapids, Manitoba
  • supporting a Maya youth culture camp in rural Belize
  • planning a conference on poverty awareness and community action in Winnipeg
  • applying for CSL bursaries of up to $1,500

Here’s why our program alumni think you should get involved:

“They’re really good at capacity-building and equipping you, and listening to your needs in the same way that they are listening to the community’s needs, so they’re very responsive as well. If you’re trying to figure out what you want to do, the office is full of a lot of great people who will be great resources to you. They’ll explore it along with you.”

Veronica Sharkey, B.A. (Hons) in Sociology, Faculty of Arts

“There’s a lot to learn about yourself, about the community at large, and about students’ interaction with the community as well … in terms of how we fit in as individuals in the society, how we can be ethical community members, ethical citizens.”

Mercy Oluwafemi, B.Sc. in Psychology, Faculty of Science

“For me, essentially, it’s just being a part of a community. I find younger generations have kind of lost a little bit of sense of that community. Everyone’s very individualized and focused on their own things. Programs like this kind of bring us together, and bring like-minded ideas and … gets you kind of exploring more.”

Angela Uta, Inner-City Social Work student

Info Session:
Thursday, March 28, 2019
2:30-3:30 p.m.
300 Tier Building

Community Service-Learning

Community Service-Learning helps you develop the knowledge, attitudes and skills needed for community work through immersive programming and hands-on projects. For more information, visit our website, call 204-474-6992 or email


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