Why you should apply for an Emerging Leader Award
Kayla Lariviere, 2019 Emerging Leader Award recipient
The Emerging Leader Award recognizes the outstanding contributions that students make to the enhancement of the University of Manitoba and our community. The award recognizes students who are committed to contributing to the social, cultural or economic well-being of communities on and off campus. Students who foster cross-cultural understanding, or demonstrate sustained leadership and initiative are encouraged to apply.
Students are encouraged to apply for the Emerging Leader Award and get recognized for their own outstanding contributions, while faculty and staff are also welcomed to nominate an outstanding student.
Applications for the 2020 Emerging Leader Award are now being accepted. The application deadline is April 30, 2020 at 4:30pm.
To apply, see: umanitoba.ca/student/leadership/ela.
Meet one of last year’s emerging leaders
We chatted with one of last year’s winners, Kayla Lariviere, a student in her final year in the Faculty of Arts, who will be attending the Faculty of Law in the Fall.
As an Emerging Leader Award recipient, what does the award mean to you?
Receiving an Emerging Leader Award was an honour. Within UM I have been an active member in the Indigenous community. In my second year of university, I was the chair of governance for the University of Manitoba Indigenous Students’ Association where I played a vital role in implementing the ReconciliACTION campaign, which focuses on Call to Action #16 calling upon post-secondary institutions to create degree and diploma programs in Aboriginal languages. I have participated as a mentor in the Neechiwaken Indigenous peer mentorship program over the past three years supporting women from First Nations communities transition to UM. The last two years I have been a member of the Indigenous Circle of Empowerment on campus where I have taken part in the Bannock and Backpacks campaign, putting supplies together to give to people experiencing poverty in Winnipeg’s inner city. Accepting this award was humbling and rewarding, knowing the work I am doing has not gone unnoticed.
What motivates you to contribute to the social, cultural or economic well-being of communities on and off campus?
As a female who is both Indigenous and a visible minority, I believe everyone should have an equal opportunity to be included, but also provided the resources needed to ensure their success. I have a very good understanding of my intersectionality of how it both benefit and hinders me. I feel as though I can relate to a large population who face the same oppressions as me such as racism and sexism. Equity, inclusion and respect are important traits for any leader. I have a vision of the world I want to live in and what I would like society to look like for my future children. I am a strong activist who fights for what I believe is right, challenging the current social systems in place today. I love what I have contributed to at UM, specifically reconciliation efforts on campus. I remain committed to the values that I have instilled in projects I have worked on inside and outside of the university.
What would you say to encourage someone to submit an application for an Emerging Leader Award?
It can be challenging for community leaders to view themselves as such. It is important to be humble and I know many leaders who are. Leaders do the work because we want to, as it is what’s right, not because we are looking for recognition. As leaders I believe it is important to take a step back sometimes and celebrate your accomplished achievements.
Student leaders from all areas are encouraged to apply. If you know a great student leader, please encourage them to submit their name for consideration. For more information on the Emerging Leader Award (ELA), click here.