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Journal of Transport Geography

April 26, 2016 — 

Adolf K.Y. Ng, director of UMTI (the University of Manitoba Transport Institute), will take the lead in editing a special issue in Journal of Transport Geography (IF2014: 2.650), themed, “Government Initiatives and the Spatial Transformation of Transport Systems”.

Government plays hugely significant, and sometimes decisive, roles in the evolution and development of transport systems, and substantial research in transport and transport policies has supported this notion.

However, even with massive realignments in construction and operations, the impacts of such initiatives, and the resulting spatial patterns of transport systems, are likely to be countered by certain inertia and forces.

Hence, getting satisfactory answers would effectively help policymakers in identifying the right approach in transforming transport systems, enhancing their quality, thus improving international trade and the global economy as a whole.

To answer the above queries, this special issue will focus on the impacts of new, major government initiatives on the spatial transformation of transport systems.

The deadline for abstract submission will be May 25, 2016.

Further information on the special issue and Journal of Transport Geography can be found here:

For further enquiries, please contact Adolf K.Y. Ng (

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