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AMC Grand Chief Cathy Merrick dressed in traditional regalia, smiles in front of an orange background.

Photo courtesy of the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs

UM vice-president (Indigenous) extends condolences to the family and friends of AMC’s Grand Chief Cathy Merrick

September 6, 2024 — 

UM vice-president (Indigenous) Angie Bruce extends condolences to the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs (AMC), family and friends of Grand Chief Cathy Merrick, the first female Grand Chief of the AMC.

“Grand Chief Merrick was a remarkable leader whose vision and dedication have made a lasting impact on the lives of many First Nations communities, as well as the entire province of Manitoba. Her work as the first female Grand Chief of the AMC was an inspiration many Indigenous Peoples and non-Indigenous people alike,” said Bruce. “She broke barriers and paved the way for future generations.” 

Grand Chief Merrick was a prominent voice in calling for a search of the Prairie Green landfill and worked tirelessly as an advocate for MMIWG2S. That strong voice will forever be appreciated, and her work remembered and honoured for years to come.

Her voice and support on the joint study led by AMC First Nations Family Advocate Office (FNFAO) and UM researchers highlighted the need for organizations to work together to address the root causes of the high rate of involvement of First Nations infants with the CFS system. It also showcased the need to ensure First Nation children are supported, nurtured and empowered to thrive in safe and loving environments.

Grand Chief Merrick’s legacy will undoubtedly continue to inspire and guide the path forward for all of us.

On behalf of the University of Manitoba, our thoughts are with AMC staff, communities, First Nations people, and her family and friends during this difficult time.

The flag on the Administration Building will be lowered until Monday evening, Sept. 9, 2024, at sundown, in memory of Grand Chief Cathy Merrick.

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