UM students count on your support
Welcome to the 2022 UM Faculty, Staff and Retirees Campaign
It’s that time of year again.
Throughout the month of March, you will receive messages from colleagues and students to help launch our 2022 UM Faculty, Staff and Retirees Campaign. Last year, the UM community contributed nearly $400,000 to crucial student supports, state-of-the-art facilities and groundbreaking research.
The campaign has played an important role in the success of two initiatives in particular. Through the UM Student Technology Fund, your generosity has helped provide over 700 students with computers that meet their learning needs. Your support has also been essential to the UM Student Food Bank’s ability to deliver more than 1,900 hampers last year alone. Many students have expressed deep appreciation for the impact the support has made on their education, removing financial barriers, and allowing them to continue pursuing their studies.
“I felt a tremendous sense of relief when I learned that the UM Student Technology Fund would cover the cost for me to acquire a laptop for my coursework,” says nursing student, Funmi Morakinyo, a recipient of the fund. “Thanks to UM donors, I was able to continue my studies and successfully rise above a challenging time. My goal is now in sight, and I expect to graduate in June 2022. I look forward to joining the frontlines of our healthcare system during a time when help is needed more than ever.”
Every gift makes a difference, and all support is appreciated, no matter the amount. There are several ways to contribute, including through payroll deduction, with 100 per cent of your donation going to your fund of choice.
“UM students rely on these crucial supports, and without them, many would be forced to pause or even discontinue their studies,” says Christine Cyr, Associate Vice-President Indigenous – Students, Community and Cultural Integration. “Reciprocity is an important teaching in my culture. I have benefited immensely from the guidance and generosity of people that came before me. I am certain the same is true for you.”
Your support will make a meaningful difference in the lives of UM students.
To make your gift today, please see the options below:
Payroll deduction
Credit card: one-time Gifts and monthly gifts
If you would like to increase your current payroll commitment or would like help making your gift, please contact Jennifer Triggs at jennifer.triggs@umanitoba.ca.