The Top 5 Facebook stories of the year
The University of Manitoba Facebook page really is our social media hub. If it had anything to do with our school, people or campus – odds are you’ll hear about it there! Here were the stories that really got you talking in 2015…
If likes and share are any indication, you got pretty excited about this new intramural sport on campus.
Graduating new doctors is always a good thing, but it especially resonates with you when Indigenous med school grads plan to stay and practice in Manitoba communities.
It’s a bit of an understatement to say you weren’t excited to see the brand new Active Living Centre finally open its doors in April. This was good news worth spreading.
It was a pretty big day for us to find ourselves smack on the top of a national Universities social media ranking for Facebook. Love it or hate it, social media is how we’re communicating and you shared the love (and sometimes the opposing view!) with us.
Who knew that all it took to get your attention was a little ‘Hollywood on campus’?? This story caught fire and you even shared a fun series of shots of the Admin Building featuring a proud US flag.
New to our Facebook page? Check it out here!