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The key to our future

September 21, 2015 — 
Ovide Mercredi

Ovide Mercredi

“Education is the path towards economic freedom and wealth for Indigenous Peoples. At U of M we pledge to do our share to build a strong Aboriginal middle class. Our shared future demands no less.” – Ovide Mercredi

Launching on October 3 the Front and Centre campaign will transform the University of Manitoba. Alumni, donors and the university community have shaped five campaign priorities that will ensure our province’s long-term economic, social and cultural vitality.

The path forward: Indigenous Achievement

Manitoba will become a centre for excellence for Indigenous education and research. Here are some reasons why the U of M is perfectly positioned to take on this challenge.

  • The U of M is home to the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation.
  • First Nations, Metis and Inuit youth are the fastest growing population group in Manitoba and are the key to the future of our province. Recent census data reports that 16.7% of Manitoba’s population identifies as Indigenous.
  • Notable alumni are leading the way for our Indigenous student: Ovide Mercredi, Justice Murray Sinclair, Verna Kirkness, Phil Fontaine and Tanya Kappo.


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