Take the fight out of food stress
HLHPRI Body Talks series returns with interactive session on improving your relationship with food
Do you ever get frustrated by food and nutrition?
Maybe you can’t figure out why you feel bloated after eating certain foods, unsure about which foods are best for a particular health condition. These can be referred to as food fights – they represent times when you struggle with yourself or others about what to eat.
Nutrition experts Semone Myrie and Jorie Janzen are here to help. Join them as they present ‘Take the Fight out of Food Stress’ at the next installment of Body Talks, a Health, Leisure, and Human Performance Research Institute information series.
What: Body Talks: Chat with the Experts … Take the Fight out of Food Stress
Who: Semone Myrie, Assistant Professor, Human Nutritional Sciences & Jorie Jansen, Director of Sport Dietetics, Canadian Sport Centre
When: Thursday, March 16, 12:15 – 12:45 p.m.
Where: Active Living Centre Agora
Admission is free for this interactive event. No need to RSVP, just show up!