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Women in Science News Archive

A collage of 13 profile photos of people with diverse backgrounds and appearances, mostly smiling at the camera, in a professional setting.

Faculty of Science

Faculty of Science researchers’ breakthroughs 2023

December 7, 2023 — 
In the ever-evolving landscape of scientific breakthroughs, the Faculty of Science at the University of Manitoba has once again proven to be a center of pioneering research and innovation. As we wrap up the year 2023, it is both a privilege and excitement to look back at some of the research breakthroughs made by brilliant minds in the Faculty of Science.

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Azadeh Tabiban smiling and leaning against a brick window.

Faculty of Science

How to ensure 5G network security with AI

December 4, 2023 — 
Tabiban is one of the collaborators in a new research project to make 5G networks more secure using Artificial Intelligence (AI) solutions along with researchers from the University of Waterloo, Concordia University and Ericsson Canada. This initiative is part of the Government of Canada’s new Cyber Security Innovation Network with funding support from the National Cybersecurity Consortium (NCC) and Ericsson.

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Faculty of Science

On being appointed as a Distinguished Professor – Can-Ming Hu’s journey in science

September 26, 2023 — 
Can-Ming Hu talks about being appointed a Distinguished Professor at the University of Manitoba and his journey in science.

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Cardona lab group photo.

Faculty of Science

Can we improve antibiotics against superbugs?

August 16, 2023 — 
In a recent study, researchers at the Faculty of Science investigated Burkholderia cepacia complex, a bacteria resistant to many antibiotics. Cardona research group has found that disrupting a molecule called undecaprenyl phosphate increased the bacteria's vulnerability to common antibiotics. This discovery could lead to more effective treatments for drug-resistant infections.

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Faride Rafiei PhD chemistry student at Jorg Stetefeld Lab

Faculty of Science

Cancer treatment – One big step closer

June 27, 2023 — 
Learn about how Jörg Stetefeld and his team at the Faculty of Science are pushing the boundaries of knowledge when it comes to cancer treatment with one idea, understanding how netrin works.

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Faculty of Science

UM scientists recognized by Canadian Bioscience Award for promoting inclusion

June 19, 2023 — 
On June 1st, 2023, Ute Kothe delivered the Jeanne Manery Fisher Memorial Lecture at the annual meeting of the Canadian Society for Molecular Biosciences (CSMB) in Ottawa.

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Bacterial colonies on agar plate

Faculty of Science

A journey of passion and growth in Biochemistry

June 13, 2023 — 
Sara Crooks, recent Biochemistry alumni, shares her journey in science through challenges and embracing collaboration.

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Darby Goodall, Science alumni, standing in front of the Administration Building in a black dress holding photos of her running accomplishments

Faculty of Science

Science on track: the inspiring journey of a recent statistics graduate

June 12, 2023 — 
From exploring different disciplines to finding a supportive community in the UM track and field team, Darby's story highlights the power of embracing new paths and the impact of community on personal and academic growth.

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Blue digital graphs showing data with a black background.

Faculty of Science

A golden age for statistics: Honoured alum Shirley Mills on the profession she loves

January 29, 2019 — 
Dr. Mills is a recipient of the 2019 Faculty of Science Honoured Alumni Awards.

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