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Faculty of Social Work News Archive


Faculty of Social Work

Basic Income: An Anti-Poverty Strategy for Social Work

April 20, 2015 — 
Dr. Jim Mulvale, dean, Faculty of Social Work was featured in a new podcast entitled “Basic Income: An Anti-Poverty Strategy for Social Work.” It is part of the inSocialWork® podcast series, sponsored by the University at Buffalo School of Social Work, the State University of New York.


CBC: Could Yellowknife hold answers to Manitoba’s CFS crisis?

April 17, 2015 — 
CBC story on Child and Family Services relies on the insights of Brad Mackenzie, a professor emeritus in the Faculty of Social Work.


Memorial ceremony at UN marks 21st anniversary of Rwanda genocide

April 9, 2015 — 
Regine King, survivor of the Rwanada genocide and assistant professor in Faculty of Social Work, shared her personal testimony at memorial ceremony.


Faculty of Social Work

Faculty accepting nominations for Helen Mann 50th Anniversary Award

April 7, 2015 — 
The Faculty of Social Work is now accepting nominations for the Helen Mann 50th Anniversary Award. The award honours an individual who has made an outstanding contribution to the field of social work in Manitoba.



Conference: The challenge of child poverty in Winnipeg

April 6, 2015 — 
U of M researchers to report on child poverty in Winnipeg



Faculty of Social Work

What is the truth about terrorism?

March 23, 2015 — 
On Wednesday, March 4, former United States Army soldier Joshua Key spoke to over 70 guests about his experiences during the 2003 American-led invasion of Iraq and what motivated him to flee to Canada.


Faculty of Social Work

Pompana appointed as director of Inner City Social Work Program

March 16, 2015 — 
The Faculty of Social Work is very pleased to announce the appointment of Yvonne Pompana, associate professor, as the director of the Inner City Social Work Program.



Faculty of Social Work

Collaborative Research on Homelessness in Thompson, Manitoba

March 2, 2015 — 
Northern Social Work Program's Collaborative Research on Homelessness in Thompson, Manitoba.



Wpg Free Press: Reducing poverty rate by guaranteeing incomes

February 6, 2015 — 
Guaranteeing poor Manitobans a no-strings-attached annual income, a good idea profs say



Indigenous academic tackles colonialism through the lens of sport

February 6, 2015 — 
Seminar and round table discussion

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