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Research and International News Archive

Rady Faculty of Health Sciences

College of Nursing strengthens international ties at conference in Singapore

August 19, 2019 — 
This summer, College of Nursing dean Dr. Netha Dyck and College of Nursing professor and Rady Faculty vice-dean, education Dr. Christine Ateah were among more than 5,300 nursing professionals from 120 countries assembled in Singapore for the International Council of Nurses (ICN) 2019 Congress. The conference, which takes place every four years, will be co-hosted by the Canadian Nurses Association in Montreal in 2023.

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Karen Gunderson

Research and International

The speed of a rumour

August 19, 2019 — 
Pure mathematics is all about the long game, according to mathematician and alumna Karen Gunderson

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Research and International

Passion project

August 19, 2019 — 
Ben Schellenberg asks a lot of questions. He asks people about their lives, their hobbies, their daily activities, their academics, their obsessions and their passions


Karen Gunderson's graphic representation of the spread of infection.

Research and International

Introducing the summer 2019 issue of ResearchLIFE

August 19, 2019 — 
'I’ve chosen for this magazine issue to highlight early career researchers'

Arctic water. // Image from Pixabay.

Federal government funds U of M research into oil spill responses

August 12, 2019 — 
Seven U of M research projects aimed at testing new technologies and techniques to improve our responses to oil spills have been funded by the federal government

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Kristen MacMillan with students in field

Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences

A practical alliance

August 7, 2019 — 
The innovative Agronomist-in-Residence program was designed to help bridge the gap between classroom and farmers’ fields


Sesame seeds spilling from a jar

JAMA: Sesame: The New Priority Allergen?

August 6, 2019 — 
Unlike peanuts, sesame is not currently recognized as a priority allergen in the United States and is not legally required to be declared on prepackaged foods


showing a stack of money growing

Western Economic Diversification supports UM project, boosting prosperity

August 2, 2019 — 
University of Manitoba led project has received $2.2M to enhance Manitoba’s readiness to compete in the changing global economy

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The Conversation: Redefining the kilogram means redefining how we measure wealth

July 29, 2019 — 
As we advance well into the 21st century, the lifetime of this one remaining tangible standard has just expired

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Rady Faculty of Health Sciences

Fresh air

July 26, 2019 — 
Dr. Louise Chartrand is breathing new life into the field of respiratory therapy.

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