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Research and International News Archive

Game Changer 2018.

Tell us what you think the problems are!

September 4, 2018 — 
$5,000 up for grabs in Manitoba’s idea competition

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Cereal grains photo on the cover of ResearchLife. // Photo by Mike Latschislaw

Leaders in their field

September 4, 2018 — 
A message  from Vice-President (Research and International) Digvir S. Jayas on the new issue of ResearchLife


Tributary of the Nelson River, north of Lake Winnipeg. // PHOTO from Chani Welch

Improving watershed models for northern Canada

September 4, 2018 — 
'We can reduce the negative impacts from both too much and too little water with good water management and appropriate infrastructure'

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Researchers Claire and Greg collecting samples from Lake Waterhen

Clayton H. Riddell Faculty of Environment, Earth, and Resources

The Manitoba Great Lakes Project

August 31, 2018 — 
From clean drinking water and agricultural irrigation to hydroelectric power and recreational activities, the very identity of Manitoba is built upon its fresh water supply.

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Faculty of Science

BIOL 4542 brings research to life

August 29, 2018 — 
The caddisfly species Phryganea cinerea (Rush Sedges) is finally earning some long overdue attention in academia, due to a scientific paper co-authored by Marcus and his class of 40 undergraduates.


Pardis Karimialavijeh

Clayton H. Riddell Faculty of Environment, Earth, and Resources

Q&A with Postdoctoral Fellow Pardis Karimialavijeh

August 28, 2018 — 
Q & A with Postdoctoral Fellow Pardis Karimialavijeh

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Cereal healer

August 28, 2018 — 
Investigating what components can play a role in reducing obesity, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer

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Jasmine onboard the R/V William Kennedy

Clayton H. Riddell Faculty of Environment, Earth, and Resources

Trading trenches for transects: An archaeologist’s experience at sea

August 23, 2018 — 
'As somebody who normally spends their time digging in the ground, it’s not very often that I find myself surrounded by water for two and a half weeks'

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Associate Professor CJ Mundy onboard the R/V William Kennedy

Clayton H. Riddell Faculty of Environment, Earth, and Resources

Waiting out the storm – A short reflection aboard a small research vessel in northern Hudson Bay

August 20, 2018 — 
A short reflection aboard a small research vessel in northern Hudson Bay

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PhD Candidate Enoil de Souza Junior

Clayton H. Riddell Faculty of Environment, Earth, and Resources

Q&A with grad student Enoil de Souza Junior

August 14, 2018 — 
Meet PhD candidate Enoil de Souza Junior. Growing up in Brazil he wanted to be a soccer player but now he's studying the Arctic

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