provost and vice-president (academic) News Archive

Provost and Vice-President (Academic)
DEADLINE EXTENDED: Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Program applications now open
April 8, 2020 —
The University of Manitoba’s Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Program was announced in January 2020.

Provost and Vice-President (Academic)
Equity, diversity and inclusion consultation sessions paused
March 17, 2020 —
But please provide your feedback online

Provost and Vice-President (Academic)
Your voice matters
February 4, 2020 —
Consultations sessions announced for the President’s Task Force on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

Travel Services & Expense Management Steering Committee – Post Implementation Review
January 27, 2020 —
'We continue to realize the benefits of the Steering Committee’s initial work and I look forward to their continued attention to this project'

Innovating Research Administration Systems
November 27, 2019 —
Research grants and contracts, both pre- and post-award management – will be moving to a paperless, single sign-on software system beginning in mid-2020.

Provost and Vice-President (Academic)
Meet the Vice-Provost (Libraries) and University Librarian: Lisa O’Hara
November 6, 2019 —
From favourite books to her vision for UM Libraries

Advancing Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
October 29, 2019 —
President’s Task Force established to provide recommendations

Provost and Vice-President (Academic)
Gender-Based Salary Differentials Report and recommendations released
July 17, 2019 —
'The report will guide our continued efforts to enhance equity and inclusion'

‘Never stop learning’
June 20, 2019 —
At the end of June, Dr. David Collins is stepping down from being Vice-Provost (Integrated Planning and Academic Programs).

Indigenous leadership consultations at U of M
February 26, 2019 —
Advisory committee to consider role/mandate of vice-provost (Indigenous engagement) position