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Law News Archive

Kingston Penitentiary Cellblock

Faculty of Law

Op-Ed: Fixing a non-existent problem with a costly and likely unconstitutional idea

March 6, 2015 — 
This country has no need for a bill that takes away parole, Law profs argue

Community Stories

Art City: Bridging the gap between Winnipeg’s West Broadway neighbourhood and post-secondary education

February 25, 2015 — 
Education in all its facets and forms is how that can be achieved

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A Basic Income For Canada and Manitoba: Why Not?

February 3, 2015 — 
On Feb. 5, basic income scholars from across Canada will come together at the U of M

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Faculty of Law

Blasphemy and the law: ideas versus intentions

January 27, 2015 — 
Religion and Expression, neither freedom is absolute under the law

Seodaemun Prison. Christian Senger, Flickr

Faculty of Law

Analysis: Solitary confinement in Canada is a human-rights crisis

December 10, 2014 — 
Perhaps more importantly, what can be done to reverse this trend? An important first step would be for Canada to ratify a United Nations convention against torture.



Aboriginal Territories and Treaties: Conference explores evolving Canadian law

November 19, 2014 — 
Conference will provide an in-depth analysis of the two treaty cases and how they connect with each other, law and policy, with a specific focus on the Prairies

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a bedroom

Faculty of Law

Consensual bondage, domination and sado-masochism is legally fine as long as it doesn’t involve choking, law prof says

November 6, 2014 — 
'The issue in all of the recent BDSM-related sexual assault cases is not the legal question of whether people can consent, but the factual question of whether they did consent.'


Faculty of Law

Globe and Mail: By throwing away the key, we lose hope in justice

November 3, 2014 — 
By locking up Justin Bourque and throwing away the key, we lose hop in justice


Faculty of Law

Wpg Free Press: The high cost of jailing the innocent

October 30, 2014 — 
'Every single correctional centre is operating over capacity'



Faculty of Law

Canadian lawyers challenge each other to do the right thing

October 17, 2014 — 
Faculty of Law symposium on ethics and professionalism will help lawyers better deal with ethical dilemmas


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