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Faculty of Education News Archive

Zane Zalis's master of education thesis is an oratorio called i believe.

Faculty of Education

Unique master’s thesis to be performed by 60-person choir

June 30, 2015 — 
Production explores racism, hate, destruction and hope as witnessed by victims and perpetrators

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The sunset at Le Croisic, France. Photo by Thomas Dunford.

Faculty of Education

France exchange students find themselves ‘cultural diplomats’

June 11, 2015 — 
Trip was a chance to not only experience differences in French education system but also broaden and shape future teaching practices



Faculty of Education

TRC report should be regarded as ‘a beginning,’ Education professor tells CBC Radio

June 3, 2015 — 
Report will allow all people a 'grander opportunity to better understand one another'

Faculty of Science

Students to benefit from U of M Partnership with international math consortium

May 27, 2015 — 
Membership will enhance teaching and research in Mathematics across campus

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Elementary classrom in Orleans, France. Photo by Brittney Kosowan.

Faculty of Education

Week Two of French exchange includes teaching students about Canada

May 26, 2015 — 
All four of us spent two days at the Lycée Voltaire this week, where classes are similar to high school, first year of university


CBC: ‘Historical ignorance only goes so far,’ says professor Marlene Atleo

May 25, 2015 — 
Right and wrong language



Faculty of Education

Second Human Rights teaching course on offer after last year’s success

May 5, 2015 — 
This year's summer institute with Canadian Museum for Human Rights to examine what the pursuit of human rights means to educators and educational leaders

Stephanie Poulin

Music education grad wins Canadian award for newer music teachers

April 12, 2015 — 
'She inspires every new music teacher she mentors to become the best educator they can,' says Manitoba Orff Chapter

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an empty swing

Op-Ed: There are 10,673 children whose stories have not made headlines

April 7, 2015 — 
These faceless figures represent real children; human beings who are experiencing unimaginable trauma, fear, grief and loss

Chelsea Jalloh, left, holds her Emerging Leader Award with Dawn Wallin, associate dean of graduate studies in the Faculty of Education.

Faculty of Education

Emerging Leader Award winner has taken unique path in field of education

April 6, 2015 — 
Award winner realized community health and education was more of a passion than classroom teaching

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