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exhibition News Archive

Colourful microbial cultures in a petri dish, forming abstract, textured landscapes.

School of Art

Microscopic Landscapes & Hidden Perspectives: School of Art Gallery Presents Two Exhibitions by Jon Sasaki

February 10, 2025 — 
The School of Art Gallery is pleased to present two interconnected exhibitions by acclaimed Canadian artist Jon Sasaki.

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An art installation in a gallery featuring three suspended projection screens displaying video imagery, wooden beams, and a sculptural wooden chair on a white platform.

School of Art

Exploring Identity and Representation: Anna Binta Diallo Showcased in Three Major Winter Exhibitions

February 7, 2025 — 
School of Art Assistant professor Anna Binta Diallo is featured in three major group exhibitions this winter:

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School of Art

School of Art Associate Professor Mark Neufeld Exhibits at C’cap

December 9, 2024 — 
The School of Art is proud to announce that Associate Professor Mark Neufeld is currently featured in Icecreampowerpinkyswearlater?

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School of Art

Kidult Club: The Collaborative Kinetics of the Royal Art Lodge, ca. Y2K at the School of Art Gallery

December 4, 2024 — 
The School of Art proudly presents Kidult Club: The Collaborative Kinetics of the Royal Art Lodge, ca. Y2K, an exhibition showcasing a generous donation of Royal Art Lodge works from around the year 2000, gifted by Maryon Adelaar of Vancouver

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School of Art

Galleries West: Judy Anderson and Katherine Boyer — mâmawohkamâtowak

November 21, 2024 — 
A conversation (and new exhibition) between Judy Anderson and School of Art Assistant Professor Katherine Boyer.

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Textile sculpture made with discharged dye, reactive dye, cotton, sublimation dye, mercerized cotton yarn, fiberfill, cotton piping cord, aluminum wire, and bamboo, arranged in an abstract, organic form. Image courtesy of the artist.

School of Art

School of Art Gallery presents Jade Yumang: Next Door, Around the Corner, Inside the Bathhouse, By the Sea and Back

November 12, 2024 — 
Opening November 21 in the School of Art Gallery, Next Door, Around the Corner, Inside the Bathhouse, By the Sea and Back delves into the fluid and evolving dimensions of diasporic identity.

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School of Art

Winnipeg Free Press: Recentring visual artist Sheila Butler and her female gaze

September 23, 2024 — 
Sheila Butler: Other Circumstances, a retrospective exhibition now on view at the School of Art Gallery, University of Manitoba.

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School of Art

Celebrating Emerging Talent: Five UM Graduates selected for ‘Fresh Paint / New Construction’ exhibition in Montreal

June 26, 2024 — 
The annual Fresh Paint and New Construction exhibition returns to Art Mûr in Montreal, marking its 20th edition. Showcasing talent from twelve Canadian universities, it offers a glimpse into the future of contemporary art.

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School of Art

2024 MFA Thesis Exhibitions open May 17th at the School of Art Gallery

May 7, 2024 — 
The School of Art and the School of Art Gallery at the University of Manitoba are pleased to announce the upcoming Master of Fine Arts thesis exhibitions and defence examinations of three graduate students

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This image is a solargraph. It shows a view from a south-facing window on sixth floor of Fletcher Argue building. The green arcs trace a semester’s worth of the sun’s daily movement across the sky.

Faculty of Arts

A camera in a can? Pop-up exhibition features student solargraphs

March 27, 2024 — 
On April 5, 2024, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., students from ENGL 2140: Literature of the Victorian Period invite the UM community to a one-day pop-up exhibition Long Exposure: A Pinhole Photography Exhibition featuring images and written reflections on their experience using pinhole cameras to create solargraph images.,

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