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Computer Science News Archive


CTV, YAHOO!: Are humans ready for the rise of personal home robots?

August 8, 2018 — 
Roboto, what have you done for me lately?


Faculty of Science

First place win for students at Robocup

July 5, 2018 — 
The Autonomous Agents Lab won first place in the Technical Challenges category at the 2018 Robocup Robotics Competitions

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Pourang Irani

Six new and renewed Canada Research Chairs

May 31, 2018 — 
Four new CRCs have been awarded to U of M professors and another two have been renewed

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Faculty of Science

‘Messy and Magical’: Elementary students to enjoy ‘Discovery Days’ May 3 and 4

April 27, 2018 — 
Paper marbling, a potions class à la Hogwarts School of Wizardry!, math mania or a physics stunts show? These are just some of the options available to the nearly 2,000 elementary school students attending this year’s “Discovery Days” on the University of Manitoba’s Fort Garry campus. Hosted by the Faculties of Science and Engineering on May 3rd and 4th.

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Faculty of Science

On April 14 Science marches on!

April 9, 2018 — 
For an event that only started a year ago, the March for Science has a lot of momentum behind it

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Faculty of Science

Solar cell pioneer speaks on alternative energy sources

April 9, 2018 — 
World-renowned electrochemist Michael Grätzel's upcoming lecture, entitled “Energy Beyond Oil,” will review recent progress in the area of exploitation of solar energy converters

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Faculty of Science

Volunteer for Science Rendezvous!

March 22, 2018 — 
Consider volunteering for Science Rendezvous, the largest celebration of science and engineering in Canada!

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Faculty of Science

Acclaimed American astronomer to speak on theory of multiverse

March 20, 2018 — 
Dr. Virginia Trimble believes there isn’t just one universe, but many

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Rural road.

Understanding software learning in rural Canada

March 9, 2018 — 
The field of human-computer interaction investigates how people use computers

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Faculty of Science

Computer science students win first place in Iran at AUTCup Robotics competition

March 2, 2018 — 
The Department of Computer Science is sending two of its undergrads to Iran at the end of this month to compete in the AUTCup Robotics competition.

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