Bryan Schwartz News Archive

Faculty of Law
Enduring throughout adversity
May 13, 2020 —
In 1914, the same year the world went to war, the Manitoba Law School was established by forward-thinking, concerned advocates in H.A. Robson and E.K. Williams who made the education of future lawyers their top priority. Since then, the Faculty of Law has continued to build on this rich tradition. In the face of adverse events like today's pandemic, this faculty community has always found a way to carry on.

Faculty of Law
Always a true friend: A colleague remembers Art Braid, C.M., Q.C.
March 10, 2020 —
The following notes are from A Eulogy for Art Braid given by Dr. Bryan Schwartz, St. John’s Cathedral in Winnipeg, March 6, 2020.

Faculty of Law
Faculty of Law mourns late professor and Dean, Art Braid, C.M., Q.C.
March 6, 2020 —
It was with great sadness, that the Dean’s Office at Robson Hall, Faculty of Law learned last week of the passing of E. Arthur Braid CM, QC, LL.B. (Manitoba)1960, LL.M. (London)1967. He was a law professor at the University of Manitoba, Faculty of Law from 1964-2000, served as Dean of Law from 1994-1999, and was a Senior Scholar up until the time of his passing on February 27, 2020.

Faculty of Law
The Asper Foundation Awards Annual Funding to University of Manitoba International Law Program
January 14, 2020 —
The University of Manitoba’s Robson Hall Faculty of Law is pleased to announce that its locally founded international law program – celebrating its tenth anniversary and one of Canada’s largest international programs - will now be supported annually by The Asper Foundation which is located in Winnipeg, Canada.

Faculty of Law
Too Many Land Claims Documents? Not a Problem.
November 22, 2019 —
Dr. Bryan Schwartz, who holds the Asper Chair of International Business and Trade Law at the University of Manitoba Faculty of Law, has updated and improved his Specific Claims website.

Faculty of Law
Manitoba Law School co-founder ‘A labour jurist ahead of his time’
November 12, 2019 —
One hundred years ago, H.A. Robson tabled the 1919 General Strike Royal Commission Report, making recommendations to improve conditions for workers

Faculty of Law
LL.M. students graduating from Robson Hall this fall
October 16, 2019 —
Robson Hall Faculty of Law congratulates those Master of Laws students graduating this October

Law professor opens classroom to everyone
January 21, 2019 —
Activist, Educator and Lawyer, Joan Jack [BEd/82 UM, LLB/91 UBC], was the first guest lecture of the term to Dr. Bryan Schwartz’s inaugural class on Oral History, Indigenous Peoples and the Law