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Biomedical Engineering News Archive

Dr. Zahra Moussavi, Canada Research Chair in Biomedical Engineering in the Faculty of Engineering, is receiving $1,737,960 for her project on investigating the efficacy of high-frequency rTMS treatment for Alzheimer's disease

The Conversation: Experimental brain technology can rewind Alzheimer’s disease

September 21, 2017 — 
Alzheimer’s disease is considered a global challenge of the century. Alzheimer’s disease is a thief.

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Sun: Manitoba researcher leads Alzheimer’s clinical trial

December 13, 2016 — 
Dr. Zahra Moussavi, from the University of Manitoba’s engineering faculty, received $1.738 million Tuesday from the Weston Brain Institute


Diana Nicholson – 2016 Outstanding Young Alumni Award Recipient

Announcing the recipient of a 2016 Distinguished Alumni Award for Outstanding Young Alumni

February 29, 2016 — 
Diana Nicholson is unafraid to go where she’s needed most and work with people in crisis, including those surrounded by disease, disaster and armed conflict.

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The 3MT Final Competition is Feb. 25 from 7-9 p.m. Chris Cadonic, biomedical engineering master's student, is one of the 12 graduate students who will be presenting their research at the event

Graduate students who really know their stuff

February 17, 2016 — 
Twelve finalists made it through the 3MT heats and move on to compete in the final competition on Thursday, Feb. 25

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Graduate Student, PhD, Cameron Kaye

Faculty of Graduate Studies

Cameron Kaye, an innovator in biomedical technology

January 12, 2015 — 
Biomedical Engineering MD/PhD Student Cameron Kaye

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