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BHM Faculty of Science News Archive

A student smiling at the camera, sitting in a chemistry lab.

Faculty of Science

Empowering future scientists: The power of co-op and hands-on experience

February 13, 2025 — 
February is Black History Month in Canada, a time to reflect and honour the legacy and contributions of Black people and their communities. The theme this year is, “Black Legacy and Leadership: Celebrating Canadian History and Uplifting Future Generations.” At the Faculty of Science, we take the chance to celebrate the accomplishments of science students in this community and hear about their experiences, hoping to create understanding and opportunities to flourish.

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Photo of Munashe Nhunzwi, a Black student with a red and white sweatshirts on, smiling at the camera.

Faculty of Science

The power of working in labs and having the right information

February 20, 2024 — 
Munashe Nhunzwi is a 4-year Biochemistry Co-op major who has also worked in Dr. Sabine Kuss's lab in the department of chemistry. In this interview, she shares the importance of working in a lab and developing experiments from scratch. She mentions lack of or delayed access to the correct information to be one of the main challenges for students when it comes to their studies and says she is determined to support prospective students with her knowledge as everyone “deserve[s] the correct information and the right guidance for their journey in university.”

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Witta Irumva, Black female student standing on front of a grey wall, wearing a black and white outfit, smiling.

Faculty of Science

The intersection of genetics and advocacy

February 12, 2024 — 
Witta Irumva is a fourth-year genetics student at the University of Manitoba and UMSU Women’s Representative. In this interview with her, we learn about her journey in science, her challenges in the field of genetics, how she hopes the Faculty of Science supports students and her advocacy work for the UMSU Women's Centre and Black Student Empowerment Society.

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Steve Daley, Black PhD student, wearing a white lab coat with blue gloves on and doing experiments in the lab.

Faculty of Science

Talking about microbes and meaningful change

February 9, 2024 — 
“What I wanted to do with my life led me to microbiology… Being able to help or to shape the environment in a positive way using what we have,” said Steve Daley when we asked him why he chose microbiology. Daley is a PhD student in the department of microbiology, University of Manitoba, conducting his research on ethanol production. Watch the full interview on the Faculty of Science's YouTube channel.

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