Celebrating Sustainability Month
Throughout October, organizations, community groups and individuals gather together to promote sustainable behaviours and events across the province in celebration of Sustainability Month. This year, the Office of Sustainability is hosting a range of free events open to all staff, students, faculty and the greater university community. Pop by to join the fun and learn about sustainability.
Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to keep up-to-date and be sure to include #UMSustainability on all your Sustainability Month postings!
Questions? Email sustainability@umanitoba.ca
Month of October
Looking for a carpool partner? Look no further! Sign up for GoManitoba in October for a chance to win! Earn points each time you log a carpool, transit, walking or cycling trip, and by messaging a GoManitoba ride match. The more points you earn, the more chances you have to win. The prizes include: Festival du Voyageur passes, a Thermea gift card, a copy of Gordon Goldsborough’s More Abandoned Manitoba or Stuck in the Middle 2 by Bartley Kives and Bryan Scott, and more! Full contest details here. Sign up today at umanitoba.gomanitoba.ca.
Trashless Tuesdays
Every Tuesday in October
Get caught using a reusable coffee mug, bag or lunch container for a chance to win. Sustainability ambassadors will be roaming the campus looking for your sustainable behaviours, so be on the look-out!
From Seed to Seed Film Screening
Tuesday, Oct. 2, 7 p.m. – Architecture 2 Building
A special exclusive preview of From Seed to Seed by local filmmaker Katharina Stieffenhofer, followed by a panel discussion. Popcorn will be available. Hosted by the Landscape Architecture Student Association.
Forest Clean Up
Thursday, Oct. 11, 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. (come and go) – meet in the Drake Building at the Young Associates Cafeteria
The campus community is invited to help clean up the riverbank and forest area behind the Drake Centre. Bags, gloves and safety equipment will be provided. Rain or shine.
Cup Mountain
Oct. 15 to 19 – UMSU University Centre
Join the excitement of constructing a mountain made of disposable coffee cups. Learn how you can help eliminate this waste. Free coffee will be provided on Oct. 18 and 19 if you bring your own reusable mug! Want to help build the mountain? Email sustainability@umanitoba.ca.
Circumnavigation of Lake Winnipeg
Tuesday, Oct. 16, 11:45 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. – GSA Lounge, second floor UMSU University Centre
Listen to Alex Martin’s travel stories from his summer 2018 trip around Lake Winnipeg. The Lake Winnipeg Foundation will be presenting on the health of the lake and how you can get involved.
Nature Walk
Wednesday, Oct 24, 3 – 4 p.m. – Meet in front of the Wallace Building.
Riverbottom forests are a natural scenic asset in or City. They stabilize our river banks, provide natural travel corridors for resident and migratory wildlife, they are a source of natural biodiversity and a refuge for city dwellers looking for an escape to more natural settings. Riverbank forests are part of what define this City. We are privileged to have these forests and to be their stewards. The U of M Ft. Garry Campus Pointlands are the site of continuous and expansive remnants of native riverbottom forest. On this hour long walk, led by Chris Penner, Ecologist and Landscape Designer, you will take a closer look at why these sites are important and the challenges we face in preserving and maintaining healthy riverbank forest habitat.
Green Flicks: A Plastic Tide
Thursday, Oct. 25, 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m., GSA Lounge, second floor UMSU University Centre
Join us for a showing of A Plastic Tide. More than eight million tonnes of plastic end up in the ocean each year. By the middle of this century, there will be more plastic in the sea than fish. Scientist Thomas Moore investigates how we all have a part to play in turning back the plastic tide in this 45-minute documentary film that puts the serious problem of plastic waste into perspective. Popcorn will be available!