Left to Right we have: Rod Cruz (United Way Winnipeg), Maria Polishchuk (United Way Winnipeg, Sponsored Executive), Dr. Brian Postl (UM), Dr. David Mandzuk (UM, United Way Campaign Co-Chair), Jackie Gruber (UM, United Way Campaign Co-Chair), Laura Orsak-Williams (UM, United Way Campaign Committee) Back row – Geof Langen (United Way Winnipeg); Missing: Ed Jurkowski (UM, United Way Campaign Co-Chair), Stacey Woods (UM, United Way Campaign Committee), Alex Kozelko (UM, United Way Campaign Committee)
Supporting the United Way supports UM
Annual campaign kicks off
The UM’s annual United Way campaign kicked off on Fort Garry campus on Nov. 7, and at the Bannatyne campus on Nov. 13. We chatted with one of the co-chairs of the UM’s United Way campaign, David Mandzuk, Dean, Faculty of Education and Acting Dean, Extended Education.
Why does the UM support the United Way?
The UM and its employees support the United Way because only by working together and pooling our resources, can we address some of the problems that are challenging our city. Crime, poverty, addiction, and mental health issues are taking a toll in many of Winnipeg’s neighbourhoods; the UM recognizes that we have a collective responsibility to help find creative solutions to these kinds of issues.
Winnipeg is already a great city but it could be even greater if the United Way was able to better support various agencies across our city. Some of the organizations supported by the United Way include: Big Brothers, Big Sisters, Art City, the CNIB, the Indigenous Women’s Healing Centre, Marymound, Mount Carmel Clinic, and the South Winnipeg Family Information Centre. I think it is safe to say that there are faculty, staff and students at the U of M who have accessed these services in the past or are benefitting from them as we speak.
How does the United Way help in Winnipeg?
The United Way provides sustainable funding for more than 100 agencies in Winnipeg that: 1) help kids be all they can be, 2) move people from poverty to possibility, and 3) build strong communities and healthy families.
How can members of the UM community make a donation?
There are several ways to donate. All UM employees and retirees should have received a personalized ePledge link by email to their UM email address (if you haven’t received yours, check your junk mail, just in case). We will also be sending a reminder email in late November, so people will have a second opportunity. Employees who don’t regularly utilize their UM email addresses will receive paper pledge forms as well. If you would prefer to donate by paper pledge form, you can request one by contacting Laura Orsak-Williams, at 204-474-9001 or Laura.Orsak@umanitoba.ca.
If you want to donate by credit card, you can do so directly on the United Way website – there is the opportunity to check off that you are part of a workplace campaign, to ensure that the donation is counted towards the U of M’s total.
Those who are able are encouraged to consider the “Leadership Challenge” – leadership gifts are pledges of $1200 or more. This year, Wawanesa Insurance has agreed to match all new pledges of $1200 or more, and for those who have contributed at the Leadership level in the past, Wawanesa will match any increase up to $300. This is a great way to increase the UM’s contributions to the United Way campaign overall.
The campaign ends on December 12, so please consider donating soon.