Student support on campus
Classes are underway and it won’t be long before assignments are due and tests are looming. As you dive into studying and other activities on campus, it is a great time to take note of the supports and services that are available to students. Here are just some of the ways that you can find support on campus.
Student Counselling Centre
The Student Counselling Centre provides mental health support to students in groups, workshops and individual sessions. These services can help with virtually any mental health difficulty, from transition-based issues to cases that include but are not limited to anxiety, depression, suicidality and trauma. All services are free, confidential and private. The SCC is located at 474 UMSU University Centre on the Fort Garry Campus and S211 Basic Medical Sciences Building on Bannatyne Campus. Visit the Student Counselling web page for more information.
Spiritual Care
Spiritual Care offers a unique service to students in the form of confidential one-on-one counselling that examines a student’s ability to make meaning during times of crisis, loss and transition. Spiritual Care allows students to talk about what is important to them and helps to normalize and encourage the spiritual aspect of life. Spiritual Care is available on both the Fort Garry and Bannatyne campuses. Visit the Spiritual Care web page for more information.
University Health Service
The University Health Service is a student only clinic for use by all students with paid tuition fees. The clinic is located at 104 UMSU University Centre and offers medical services, counselling, mental health services, physicals and access to a lab technician. Visit the University Health Service web page for more details, and information on how to book an appointment.
Health and Wellness
Health and wellness services are offered through Katie Kutryk, a registered nurse and health and wellness Educator. Katie is available to talk about health and wellness concerns, including those pertaining to sexual health, substance use, and relationships. The Health and Wellness office is located at 474 UMSU University Centre and appointments can be booked by telephone or email. Visit the Health and Wellness web page for more information.

Student Advocacy
The Student Advocacy office provides confidential services to help students resolve issues in which they feel they are not being treated fairly at the University. This can include help with making appeals, written requests about policies, and investigation into cases of both academic and non-academic misconduct. Student Advocacy also provides workshops on academic integrity. Appointments can be made at 520 UMSU University Centre or by phone. For more information, visit the Student Advocacy web page.
Services for Students at Bannatyne
Services for Students at Bannatyne is a one-stop shop for student support on Bannatyne campus offering a wide range of services including counselling, career advising, student advocacy, student accessibility services, financial aid and awards, spiritual care, academic support and more. An interdisciplinary team of clinical supports can help understand your unique situation and connect you with the appropriate support. Visit the Services for Students at Bannatyne Campus web page or stop by S211 Basic Medical Sciences Building for more information.

Taking care of yourself is an important part of your academic success and personal well-being. If you find yourself in need of support, be sure to reach out to one of the services available on campus. They are here for you and will help connect you with the care you need.
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