UMSO Performance.
Start the year off with music
Upcoming performances by the Desautels Faculty of Music
Join the Desautels Faculty of Music as they present a variety of concerts for you to enjoy.
Mardi Jazz
The University of Manitoba Jazz Ensemble performs as part of CCFM’s Mardi Jazz, a weekly jazz night featuring artists from Winnipeg and around the world.
Tuesday, February 26 at 8:00 PM.
Location: Centre Cultural Franco-Manitobain, 340 Provencher Boulevard
XIE: Experimental Improv Ensemble
Friday, March 1 at 8 PM.
Ace Art Inc., 290 McDermot Avenue.
Tickets available at aceart.org and doors.
Faculty Midday Series – Music of the Americas
Features faculty exploring the music of some of the great cities of the Americas
March 4: Music from Anywhere in the Americas.
Mondays at 12:30 PM.
Eva Clare Hall, 65 Dafoe Road.
Admission: Free.
Percussion Ensemble
Featuring music by Ivan Trevino, Stephen Whibley and Nathan Daughtrey.
Sunday, March 17 at 7 PM.
All concerts in Room T2-145, Taché Hall Addition, 136 Dafoe Road.
Admission: Silver collection.
Student Chamber Ensembles
March 18, 20, and 22 at 12:30 PM
Eva Clare Hall, 65 Dafoe Road
Musical Theatre – Moments in the Woods
Friday, March 22 at 8 PM | Saturday, March 23 at 2 PM and 8 PM.
Gas Station Theatre, 445 River Avenue.
Admission: $20 adults/$12 students.
Collegium Musicum
Music from medieval and Renaissance France, Aquitaine and the Low Countries.
Sunday, March 24 at 3 PM.
Atrium, Taché Hall Addition, 136 Dafoe Road.
Admission: $10 adults/$5 students.
Mardi Jazz
The University of Manitoba Jazz Ensemble performs as part of CCFM’s Mardi Jazz, a weekly jazz night featuring artists from Winnipeg and around the world.
Tuesday, March 26 at 8:00 PM.
Location: Centre Cultural Franco-Manitobain, 340 Provencher Boulevard
University Symphony Orchestra
Featuring Concerto competition winner, Daniel Preun.
Wednesday, March 27 at 7:30 PM.
All concerts at Westminster United Church, 745 Westminster Avenue.
Admission: $15 adults/ $5 students.
Wind Ensemble & Concert Band
Featuring music by Frank Ticheli, Ryan George, Kim Archer and Christopher Nelson.
Friday, March 29 at 7:30 PM.
Seven Oaks Performing Arts Centre, 711 Jefferson Avenue.
Admission: $15 adults/$5 students.
Zita Bernstein Competition
Students compete for cash prizes in solo performance of German Lieder.
Final round: Monday, April 1 at 7 PM.
All competitions at Eva Clare Hall, 65 Dafoe Road.
Admission: Free.
For Desautels Faculty of Music full event info, visit umanitoba.ca/music and click on the ‘Events’ tab.