Six UM researchers awarded SSHRC Insight grants
On August 29, 2023, the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) announced the recipients of the 2023 Insight Grant Program. Insight Grants support research in its initial stages in the social sciences and humanities sector. Funding is available for research initiatives of two to five years in length to provide stable, long-term support.
Six researchers from the UM were awarded Insight Grants, totaling $1.5 million in project funding to advance research excellence. UM researchers will be studying a diverse range of topics including two-eyed seeing for addressing climate change, healthcare poverty, savouring and thriving in sport, self-observation during online social interactions, understanding early medieval Austria and supporting family well-being through technology.
“Congratulations to these UM researchers for their success in the 2023 Insight Grant program,” said Dr. Mario Pinto, Vice President (Research and International) at the University of Manitoba. “We have recipients from across the UM, representing the breadth of research excellence and innovation across our institution. These projects will help address many complex issues and build our collective understanding as a society.”
UM 2023 Insight Grant Recipients Include:
C. Emdad Haque, Calyton H. Riddell Faculty of Environment, Earth and Resources
Project: Two-Eyed Seeing for climate-related disaster risk reduction, decolonizing science, and strengthening community resilience
Award: $337,000
Christine Kelly, Max Rady College of Medicine
Project: Care poverty in Canada
Award: $256,000
Benjamin Schellenberg, Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management
Project: Savouring and thriving in sport: Empirical evidence and lay beliefs
Award: $98,000
Jacquie Vorauer, Centre for Human Rights
Project: Implications of Self-Observation During Online Social Interaction for Group Membership
Award: $183,000
Julia Gamble, Faculty of Arts
Project: Life course and social dimensions of early medieval Austria
Award: $339,000
Leslie Roos, Faculty of Arts
Project: Advancing Family Wellbeing through a Massive Open Online Intervention: The LightBEAM
Award: $320,000