Sexual assault policy changes
The Board of Governors approved a new standalone sexual assault policy for the University of Manitoba community earlier this summer.
The new policy is designed to provide support and training guidelines to assist in dealing with incidents of sexual assault and is the culmination of an extensive consultation process.
Frequently asked Questions
What is the Sexual Assault Policy?
The Sexual Assault Policy provides guidance, assistance and support to members of the University community who have experienced sexual assault or have received a disclosure of sexual assault. The policy sets out a consistent process for responding to sexual assault that ensures that members of the University community understand their respective rights and obligations when reporting or responding to a sexual assault.
When was the policy passed and when will it take effect?
The policy was passed by the Board of Governors on June 22, 2016 and will become effective on September 1, 2016.
Was there consultation with parties outside of the Behavioural Policy Working Group?
Yes, as with the other updated and new behavioural policies a total of seventeen presentations were made including to Senate, each of the unions (UMFA, AESES, UNIFOR, CUPE AND CUPE Engineering), Provost’s Council, Associate Deans (Undergraduate), Student Experience Committee, to staff members within Student Support, to the Sexual Assault Working Group (SAWG), to the UMSU senior sticks to UMSU Council to the University Discipline Committee and to the broader community at both Fort Garry Campus and Bannatyne Campus. In addition all UM community members were given the opportunity to provide anonymous feedback via email.
Why has the Sexual Assault Policy as a stand-alone policy been created?
Feedback provided from extensive consultations with members of the University community recommended that the University introduce a stand-alone Sexual Assault Policy.
What are some of the main revisions all University of Manitoba community members should be aware of?
· Recognizes that the individual who experiences sexual assault is the final decision-maker about own interests;
· Outlines who in the University will be consulted for purpose of support and advice;
· Enshrines responsibility of the University to maintain a website to support those affected by sexual assault, those who receive a disclosure and to educate the broader community;
· Provides academic/work accommodations and safety plans to individuals affected by sexual assault; and
· Provides for reports to be prepared by the HRCMO outlining the number and types of complaints received under the policy, the number and types of investigations conducted, de-identified information regarding disclosures that have been reported to the HRCMO and de-identified information regarding particularly important cases.
Whom should I contact if I have any questions or concerns regarding the Sexual Assault Policy?
Contact the Office of Human Rights and Conflict Management 204-474-6348 or email Human.Rights@umanitoba.ca
Great job on the policy! I particularly like the fact that it clearly states that the use of authority or a position of trust or power means that consent has not been obtained. I also like the fact that both the victim and the person reporting the incident or practice are protected.
Great work! I believe this will go a long way in protecting our students, faculty and staff.