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Campus Beautification Day 2013

It's just a fun day

June 4 is Campus Beautification Day

May 10, 2015 — 

Campus Beautification Day 2015 is Thursday, June 4. Please join us for a morning of planting, mulch-spreading, and beautifying our campus.

The day begins at 9 a.m. and runs until noon, at which point we invite you to enjoy a barbecue lunch with us on the Curry Place Pedway. If you have a specific suggestion or project you would like to tackle, please email us Please keep in mind that we can take on only a limited number of projects, and any improvements we make must be sustainable and low-maintenance.

The theme for this year’s Beautification Day is Sustainability. As in the past, the lunch will be a zero-waste event that follows sustainable practices to send the least possible amount of waste to the landfill. For this event, ZERO waste will be sent to the landfill as any garbage produced will be composted, recycled or re-used. Additionally, Waste Prevention Office staff will be on hand to showcase the new garbage and comingled recycling stations that will be installed in buildings throughout campus for the upcoming academic year, as well as to answer any questions you may have about recycling on campus.

Physical Plant strives to provide as many tools and as much equipment as possible, but if you wish to participate and can bring your own tools, please do so. Tools and gloves will be handed out at coordination stations throughout campus. The volunteers at these stations will also be able to provide direction to those who need it. For locations of these stations, as well as for more information on Campus Beautification Day, please go to our website.

Campus Beautification Day has been a hugely popular and successful event each year, and we cannot do it without the hard work and contributions of the volunteers who care so much about our campus. Thank you as always, and we are looking forward to seeing you on the 4th!


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