Road Closures: 2018 Manitoba Marathon
Manitoba Marathon takes over Fort Garry campus on June 17
The annual Manitoba Marathon takes place Sunday, June 17.
To accommodate the Super Run as well as the regular half and full marathon routes, you should take note of the following campus access route closures:
• 4:30 a.m.: University Crescent closed to vehicle traffic from Pembina Highway to Dafoe Road. The crescent will re-open around 2:00 p.m.
• 4:30 a.m.: Chancellor Matheson closed to vehicle traffic (except buses). It will re-open at approximately noon.
• 5:30 a.m.: All intersections along Freedman Cr. and Dafoe Rd. (including King’s Drive) closed to accommodate the Super Run. Access to campus will re-open at 9:00 a.m. via King’s Drive.
Volunteer traffic marshals will be stationed at all campus intersections to control traffic before, during and shortly after the Super Run ends. Emergency vehicle access will be maintained at all times. Campus Security, City of Winnipeg Police and Emergency Services will be on site.
For more information about the event you can visit the Manitoba Marathon’s website