Report on public disclosures, 2019/2020
The University of Manitoba is a “government body” under the regulations to The Public Interest Disclosure (Whistleblower Protection) Act, C.C.S.M., c.P217 (“PIDA”). All government bodies are required to implement Procedures to manage disclosures, as defined by PIDA, and the University is committed to meeting or exceeding the requirements of PIDA.
The University of Manitoba reports annually on disclosures received under The Public Interest Disclosure (Whistleblower Protection) Act (PIDA) and the University’s Safe Disclosure (Whistleblower) Policy and Procedure. PIDA facilitates the disclosure and investigation of wrongdoing, including provisions to protect employees who make those disclosures from reprisal.
In 2019/20 the University received one disclosure of wrongdoing related to financial mismanagement and conflict of interest. The University conducted an investigation, which included a fulsome review of all funds for which the employee was responsible. The investigation concluded that wrongdoing had occurred. The full findings of the investigation were reported to the Office of the Auditor General. The 2019/2020 PIDA Annual Report is now available.
The University is committed to excellence in teaching, research, scholarly work and other innovative activities. The University has developed and maintains a system of internal controls designed to provide reasonable assurance that University assets are safeguarded from loss, and that accounting records are a reliable basis for the preparation of the financial statements that are released to the public annually. Disclosures of potential wrongdoing are taken very seriously and are thoroughly investigated. When substantiated, actions to protect University assets are implemented and reviewed in an ongoing effort to improve our systems and the integrity of our processes.
“Responsible, transparent financial stewardship is both a responsibility and a core value of the University of Manitoba community. Immediate corrective action is being taken with respect to internal financial controls,” said Dr. Michael Benarroch, President and Vice-Chancellor.
The University is committed to taking measures in order to safeguard the funds entrusted to the University, and to ensure processes, procedures, and related accountabilities are in place to support future operations, initiatives, and infrastructure.