New profs broaden Faculty expertise in soils, animal health, food and human nutritional sciences
Four new academic members joined the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences in early 2022. Click on the links below to learn more about them.
Cristina Rosell joined the Department of Food and Human Nutritional Sciences as Head and Professor on January 16, 2022. Trained as a pharmacist, Cristina shifted her interest to the design and development of innovative foods based on grains. She shared her research and teaching plans, and how she sees the Department serving as a leader in food science and human nutrition.
Dylan MacKay joined the Department of Food and Human Nutritional Sciences as Assistant Professor in Nutrition and Chronic Diseases, with a cross appointment in the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Internal Medicine – Section Endocrinology on January 1, 2022. He grew up in Newfoundland, and moved to Manitoba to pursue his PhD and then postdoctoral work in human nutrition. Dylan told us about his research and teaching goals, and how his own journey with diabetes has given him a unique perspective on his work.
Hooman Derakhshani joined the Department of Animal Science as Assistant Professor in Applied Animal Microbiology on January 1, 2022. He received his DVM in Iran, and then pursued his education in animal science in Australia and Canada, followed by a post-doctoral position at McMaster University. Hooman shared his research and teaching areas, and described how he plans to work on novel solutions to support sustainable farming and reducing the use of antimicrobials on farms.
Afua Mante joined the Department of Soil Science as Assistant Professor in Soil Physical Processes on January 16, 2022. She was born and raised in Ghana, and moved to Manitoba to pursue her PhD and then postdoctoral work that looked at Indigenizing engineering education, as well as land remediation. Afua share with us her research and teaching goals, and shared a poem that describes how she has come to be a “Soilie”.