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New Faculty Member, Dr. Lilian Pozzer Ardenghi

April 1, 2014 — 

Beyond words: Teaching science using representations and our bodies

Dr. Lilian Pozzer Ardenghi

Dr. Lilian Pozzer Ardenghi

Dr. Lilian Pozzer Ardenghi joined the University of Manitoba in August 2012. As an assistant professor in the department of Curriculum, Teaching and Learning she appreciates the collegiality in the faculty and the opportunities to learn and grow in her scholarship as a teacher, researcher, and through service.

Currently her research includes the exploration of the relationship between the graphical representations in scientific texts and their impact on teaching and learning, particularly at the secondary school level. Dr. Pozzer Ardenghi’s research also delves into the analysis of nonverbal (e.g. hand gestures) and verbal classroom interactions and the role they play in teaching and learning.

Dr. Pozzer Ardenghi ground breaking work in the area of science education is documented in her book Staging and Performing Scientific Concepts: Lecturing is Thinking with Hands, Eyes, Body & Signs (2010, Sense), and in her co-authored work, Critical Graphicacy: Understanding Visual Representation Practices in School Science (2005, Springer); in addition to several peer-reviewed publications in international journals.

Dr. Pozzer Ardenghi was a SSRHC Postdoctoral Fellow at McGill University, in Montreal, Quebec.

At the Faculty of Education Dr. Pozzer Ardenghi teaches:
• EDUB 1270 – Teaching Senior Years Science
• EDUB 2280 – Teaching General Science in Senior Years
• EDUB 2260 – Teaching Biology in Senior Years

• Completed a Full Licentiateship in Biological Sciences and Biology Instruction from the Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (Brazil) (2000)
• Master of Arts (MA) at the University of Victoria (Victoria, Canada) (2003)
• Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) at the University of Victoria (Victoria, Canada) (2007)


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