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Faculty of Science News Archive

Lake trout caught by researchers

Lake Trout adjust their behaviour in the face of a changing climate, new study

August 15, 2017 — 
For years scientists told tales of fish such as Lake Trout adapting their feeding behaviour as temperatures change, but no empirical evidence existed. Now it does.

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Wpg Free Press: U of M’s humanoid lab recruits new talent

August 14, 2017 — 
International talent is helping stack the odds for the University of Manitoba’s Autonomous Agents Laboratory in advance of the HuroCup Games.


Setting up to watch the solar eclipse in Hecla in 1979.

‘Don’t look or you’ll go blind!’: The total solar eclipse of 1979

August 10, 2017 — 
'Everyone was completely in awe of the spectacle'

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Judy Anderson.

Destination in the stars

August 8, 2017 — 
Judy Anderson is going to space. She is absolutely certain of it.

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Fort Garry Panoramic_colour

New research chairs available to international scholars

July 25, 2017 — 
Federal government has launched new program. Deadline to apply to U of M is August 4, 2017


Faculty of Science News

Going with her gut: Dr. Emma Allen-Vercoe explains why microbes aren’t the enemy

July 14, 2017 — 
Normal human gut microbiota are currently one of the least understood parts of the human body, having been previously virtually ignored by the research community.

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Faculty of Science News

Video: New research provides a detailed method for “An all-on-chip method for rapid neutrophil chemotaxis analysis directly from a drop of blood”

June 29, 2017 — 
A new research video produced by JoVE explains the work of the U of M’s Immunotrafficking Lab, led by Francis Lin of the University’s Department of Physics and Astronomy.

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Faculty of Science News

PIMS: Math Mania reaches First Nations communities in Manitoba

June 29, 2017 — 
Thanks to the efforts of Darja Barr, Math Mania, has made it to the Canadian Prairies in the form of an Indigenous Outreach and Mentorship Project. This project is making considerable strides in building connections with Indigenous communities across the province as well as with Indigenous students at the University of Manitoba.

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Wpg Free Press: A poster child for women’s rights

June 27, 2017 — 
Alumna won first place in the senior art category of Historica Canada’s "Votes for Women!" contest


Faculty of Science News

Marking a milestone: Department of Statistics celebrates fifty years

June 22, 2017 — 
Alumni and educators past and present from across the country gathered to celebrate and reminisce

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