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Libraries News Archive

East wall and apse of Ukrainian Catholic Church with detailed wall art and red carpet between pews

Libraries News

Archives collection celebrates Manitoba’s Ukrainian church history

February 13, 2025 — 
Join the University of Manitoba Archives and the Manitoba Eastern European Heritage Society (MEEHS) to celebrate the launch of a unique collection documenting the architectural and cultural history of Ukrainian churches around Manitoba.


Libraries News

The Future is Open: Director of world’s largest OER publisher to speak at UM

February 10, 2025 — 
This Open Education Week, March 7-11, 2025, the University of Manitoba will be hosting an event featuring keynote speaker Richard Baraniuk, Director of OpenStax, the world’s largest open educational resource (OER) publisher, and professor of computer and electrical engineering at Rice University. 

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Illustration of woman taking notes on a tablet while watching a workshop beside 'Experience Record approved' logo with blue checkmark

Libraries News

Add Libraries workshops to your Experience Record

January 10, 2025 — 
Participation in any UM Libraries workshops series can now be recognized on a student’s Experience Record. 


Student readin group with coffee and books

Libraries News

Indigenous Reading Circle offers Indigenous students relaxed atmosphere to discuss what they’re reading

January 10, 2025 — 
The Indigenous Reading Circle, offered by the UM Libraries and led by Indigenous Librarian Intern Claire Settee, is an opportunity for Indigenous students to bring their questions, thoughts, and feelings about their personal and academic readings to discuss with other Indigenous students in a small group setting.

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Rows of study carrels and bookshelf at Elizabeth Dafoe Library

Libraries News

10 holiday reading recommendations from UM Libraries

December 4, 2024 — 
After a busy term answering questions, helping you with your research, and directing you to library resources, UM Libraries staff recommend their favourite comfort reads to get you through a stressful exam season and help you relax during the Winter Holiday break.

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Hands typing on a laptop

Libraries News

Tips to avoid thesis deposit panic

December 3, 2024 — 
The University will be closed for the Winter Holiday soon - there is limited time to get assistance if you need to meet the graduate thesis deposit deadline of Friday, January 3, 2025. Here are some tips to give you peace of mind in thesis deposit and enjoy your holiday.


Libraries News

UM Libraries users empower change through Library Life Pulse survey

November 14, 2024 — 
Sixty-nine percent (69%) of respondents are satisfied with the University of Manitoba Libraries, according to the results of UM Libraries Library Life Pulse Survey, conducted by Alterline this past Spring.

UM Fort Garry campus in the 1950s.

Libraries News

Remembering the forgotten

October 31, 2024 — 
Hidden in a corner between University Centre and the Helen Glass Centre for Nursing, on the University of Manitoba’s Fort Garry campus, is a memorial that largely goes unnoticed, dedicated to the 30 members of the 11th Canadian Field Ambulance.

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A bunch of lightbulbs hanging from the ceiling, all of them off except one lone lightbulb is lit, standing out from the gray background

Libraries News

Database of discounts for open access publishing now available

October 18, 2024 — 
UM Libraries has released a new database of open access publishing fee discounts and waivers, making it easier than ever for UM faculty and researchers to publish their work in open access journals.

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Open padlock with key on digital circuit background.

Libraries News

Educators make resources open and free for students

October 17, 2024 — 
Now in its second year, the Advance Open Ed project with UM Libraries is providing grants and practical support for faculty who want to create and adapt open educational resources for use in the classroom. Here are two resources already being used by students.

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