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University of Manitoba Admin building

Human Resources News

Conciliation continues

November 17, 2016 — 
Talks between the University and UMFA resume Nov. 18


Students walk in front of Administration building

Review of key issues in conciliation

November 17, 2016 — 
Talks between the University and UMFA resume Nov. 18


University of Manitoba sign.

University of Manitoba asks UMFA to allow vote on latest offer

November 13, 2016 — 
Conciliation between the University of Manitoba and the University of Manitoba Faculty Association (UMFA) came to an unsuccessful end Sunday afternoon.


People walking on brick sidewalk with autumn trees in the background.

Human Resources News

Conciliation process continues this weekend

November 10, 2016 — 
Negotiating teams for the U of M and the University of Manitoba Faculty Association (UMFA) will continue meeting with a provincially-appointed conciliator over the weekend.


Summer campus-pedway

Forging a collaborative path forward

November 9, 2016 — 
Provost and Vice-President (Academic) Janice Ristock shares message with community on UMFA strike

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Rady Faculty of Health Sciences News

Students show up for work, have way too much fun

November 8, 2016 — 
The Canada-wide Take Our Kids to Work Day initiative encourages Grade 9 kids to spend a day at the workplace of a parent, relative, friend or volunteer host

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UMFA rejects the path of compromise

November 7, 2016 — 
The U of M is disappointed that UMFA has once again rejected an offer made in a spirit of compromise



Manitoba Labour Board to address UMFA complaint

November 7, 2016 — 
The University of Manitoba became aware of an unfair labour practice complaint by the University of Manitoba Faculty Association (UMFA) on Monday, November 7


Human Resources News

Strike continues during conciliation process

November 6, 2016 — 
Negotiating teams for the U of M and UMFA met on Nov. 6, at which time the University presented a comprehensive settlement proposal for UMFA’s consideration.


Fort Garry campus

University and UMFA will continue conciliation process

November 3, 2016 — 
The University is committed to the conciliation process and finding a resolution so students can resume their full programs.


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Emergency: 204-474-9341