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Photo of students smiling in a room, wearing suits. This was from the cover of the Desautels Centre 2024 Impact Report. Photo by 47 Filmworks.

Cover photo for Desautels Impact Report 2024. Photography by 47 Filmworks.

Making an impact on private enterprise in Manitoba

Desautels Centre shares important developments with 2024 annual Impact Report

May 13, 2024 — 

The Marcel A. Desautels Centre for Private Enterprise and the Law proudly presents its annual Impact Report 2024. This report is distributed across the academic, legal, and business communities to share the important achievements and contributions made by students, faculty, staff and community partners engaged in the work of the Centre at the University of Manitoba’s Faculty of Law.

This year, the Desautels Centre’s work had impact from Vancouver to Geneva. Centre faculty and staff worked hard to support students and research – in that order. A highlight of the year was supporting the 2024 Art Braid Business Law Case Competition and the student-run Business Law Group at Robson Hall.

The Marcel A. Desautels Centre for Private Enterprise and the Law (The Desautels Centre) is housed in the Faculty of Law at the University of Manitoba. Officially launched in 2006, it is committed to developing a multifaceted and clinical approach to understanding private businesses. By fostering clinical work for law students, financial assistance for conference attendance for business law students, and research in private enterprise and the law by legal and business scholars, the Centre facilitates and supports the intellectual and academic infrastructure necessary to support private enterprise and family-owned businesses in Manitoba.

The Business Advisory Committee of the Faculty of Law oversees The Desautels Centre’s activities and operations and provide careful scrutiny to ensure spending aligns with budget and the mandate of the Centre. The Advisory Committee is Chaired by the Director of Program Development of the Faculty of Law and consists of faculty members from the Faculty of Law at Robson Hall at the University of Manitoba. Dr. Laura Reimer currently holds the position of Director of Program Development, and Professor Darcy MacPherson is the Desautels Centre’s Research Director. The rest of the Business Advisory Committee consists of four other senior professors and a Clinical Instructor, all of whom are experienced in business, contracts, labour and employment law. Currently, these include Dr. Bruce Curran, Dr. Michelle Gallant, Dr. Bryan Schwartz, K.C., Dr. Katie Szilagyi, and Clinical Instructor Yvan Guy Larocque.

“As we reflect on the accomplishments of the past year and look forward to the future, I extend my sincere gratitude to all those who have contributed to the success of the Marcel A. Desautels Centre for Private Enterprise and the Law,” said Dr. Richard Jochelson, Dean of the Faculty of Law, upon the publication of the Impact Report. “Your dedication and support are invaluable in advancing our mission and strengthening our impact within the legal community and beyond.”

“The 2023 – 2024 academic year represents impact and energy from the Marcel A. Desautels Centre for Private Enterprise and the Law at the University of Manitoba,” said Reimer. “We continue to fulfill our mission to integrate the disciplines of business, law and the humanities as they apply to family controlled and other private enterprises, while igniting the minds of law students, faculty, and our community partners to explore the expanding edges of private enterprise and the law.

“The research side of the Desautels Centre has had a productive year of publication, conference sponsorship, and conference attendance,” said MacPherson. “Our funded research has been presented by academics and students of the Faculty of Law quite literally around the world.”

The Desautels Centre grew out of the legacy of Dr. Marcel Andre Desautels, C.M., O.Ont., LL.D., O.M., who was a visionary philanthropist who transformed business education with his game-changing gifts to Canadian Universities. Although he passed away on January 31, 2023 at the age of 88, his legacy to the University of Manitoba Faculty of Law continues to inspire us and create opportunities for students and faculty to strengthen research and practice at the intersection of private enterprise and the law.

The Desautels Centre 2024 Impact Report can be read in full on the Desautels Centre website.

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