Latest COVID-19 updates
Below are the latest updates and news as of November 9, 2022. For further information, please visit the COVID-19 webpage.
Guidelines for Fall Term
As communicated in March, classes and events on our campuses have returned to being held in-person and will continue to be in-person going forward, until further notice. UM will also continue to offer an important complement of Distance Education courses.
The existing masking mandate requires use of masks indoors – KN95 masks are highly recommended, but 3-ply medical masks (minimum ASTM Grade 2) are also acceptable.
Regardless of the mask type, please ensure your mask is fitted properly to maintain maximum effectiveness. See the mask use section on the Health and Safety page of the COVID website for information and distribution locations for students.
Mask up
Students can get masks at any UM Library or at the UMSU Service Centre. UMSU Service Centre hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday to Friday. Please visit the Libraries website for the most current hours.
Staff should contact their units, faculties or departments for masks.
Instructors who are approximately 2 metres away from others while actively teaching a class may choose to remove their mask.
Masks are also not required outdoors.
Health and safety protocols
The university has carefully considered its health and safety protocols, and our current protocols continue to apply including mask requirements as noted above.
We strongly advise you to follow UM’s existing self-isolation protocols. Most importantly, help protect our community and stay home when you are sick.
Please refer to UM’s Health and Safety Protocols page for other important information.
Return to in-person activity
In person activity, including events, have resumed on campus with no approvals required through the COVID-19 Recovery Steering Committee.
UM will no longer be collecting or reporting data on COVID cases on campus. Individuals had been asked to report if they tested positive, but were not required to do so. As a result, the numbers are not a complete and accurate representation of actual COVID cases on campus.
If you receive a positive test result for COVID-19, you must follow all directives from Manitoba Public Health and do not travel to the university until it is safe to do so.
UM does not require you to report your COVID-19 test result. Please contact your instructor or supervisor to make arrangements for your absence.
All adults (age 18+) can receive a booster shot (third dose) of a COVID-19 vaccine and it is strongly recommended to receive your booster as soon as you are eligible. The timeline to receive a first booster dose is at least four months after the last dose in the primary series.
Some adults who are at in increased risk of severe illness from COVID-19 are also eligible to receive a second booster dose. Boosters are available at any location that offers the COVID-19 vaccine.
Visit the Province of Manitoba website for eligibility criteria and information on how to book a vaccine. University Health Service is offering both Pfizer and Moderna boosters. Call 204-474-8411 to book an appointment.
For more information about vaccines, please visit our Vaccine Information page.
Helpful information about vaccines
See our FAQs and short videos for more information about vaccination, including how COVID-19 mRNA vaccines work and how they were developed, and how we know they are safe.
The Manitoba COVID-19 Vaccine Shot Finder is an online service where the public can search for locations that offer the COVID-19 vaccine in their area. There are locations across the city and province, including 28 clinics/pharmacies that offer the COVID-19 vaccine within a 5 km radius of the William Norrie Centre (485 Selkirk Avenue). For more information, visit the website.
University Health Service is currently offering both Moderna and Pfizer to the general public by appointment only by calling 204-474-8411, Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 3:45 p.m. For more information, visit the University Health Service webpage.
For more information about vaccines and UM’s vaccine requirement, please visit our Vaccine Information page.
Indoor Air Quality testing at UM
The University of Manitoba recently undertook Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) testing within a representative sample of learning spaces across the Fort Garry and Bannatyne campuses. Read more–including the full UM IAQ report–on the COVID-19 Health and Safety Protocols page.
- Recreation Services is operating and all sport and recreation facilities are open to 100 per cent capacity.
- Participants using the indoor sport and recreation facilities may remove their face mask while actively engaged in physical activity. Movement in between equipment/activities will require masking at all times.
For more information, visit the Sport and Recreation Facilities and COVID-19 page.
Research Involving Human Subjects
Research activities no longer require approval through the COVID-19 Recovery Steering Committee.
Permission for university-related travel no longer requires Dean authorization regarding COVID considerations. However, any pre-COVID permissions or processes remain in place.
UM employees are advised to budget for unexpected delays in return-travel plans due to a possible positive COVID test. Any costs that result from testing positive for COVID-19 must be covered by the fund supporting the travel. Visit the COVID-19 information page for researchers for more information.
For student travel information, visit the international student page on the COVID website.
As the Fort Garry campus returns to in-person classes and activities, standardized building hours will be implemented across campus.
Check status of campus businesses and services including libraries, recreation facilities and dining spaces.