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Help shape UM’s digital future in less than 5 minutes

What digital tools would improve your work or studies?

November 28, 2022 — 

At UM we want to provide an outstanding work and learning environment, whether it’s in person or the digital world.

We learned a lot from our experiences during the pandemic, including what gaps exist around digital supports for learning, research, training and working.

As noted in Our Shared Future: Building on our Strategic Plan, we have committed to use what we learned during that time to enhance delivery of academic programs, bolster creative activities and performance, rejuvenate research, and refine university operations through the development of a university-wide digital strategy.

As part of this process, we want to hear from you to get a better sense of what devices and software you currently use, your experience and comfort in using current UM digital tools, and what you think should be part of future considerations.

Tell us what you think by completing this very short survey before it closes on Sunday, December 11 at 11:59 pm.

Our overall goal is to build and transform our digital capability to support the mission of UM and deliver excellence in the experiences that matter to you, our faculty, staff and students.

You will find the survey here:


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