Guide your graduate studies with the new online guide #UMGradGoals
#UMGradGoals inspire graduate student success
The Faculty of Graduate Studies’ new online reference guide, #UMGradGoals, provides key academic program, funding and professional development information that helps guide graduate students toward success. #UMGradGoals also identifies important program milestones and a timeline for when those milestones should be met. This will help grad students gain a sense of independence and control over their progress.
“#UMGradGoals provides essential information relating to graduate programs, funding opportunities, professional development, and on-campus resources in one, easily accessible online resource,” said Dr. Brooke Milne, associate dean, Faculty of Graduate Studies. “Students can explore the guide at their own pace and revisit it often to learn what to expect throughout the duration of their graduate studies. The identification of program milestones helps students be proactive in their studies and to chart their progress towards success.”
When it doesn’t go according to plan
Even if things don’t go quite according to plan, #UMGradGoals provides suggestions and advice for students to assess their situation and figure out how to get back to meeting their goals.
“The guide gives direction about how to regroup and to get back on track,” said Milne. “There are tips and links to resources on campus that students can access directly when they may not be sure exactly what to do or who to ask for help. We want every graduate student to have a positive experience at the University of Manitoba and to achieve success in their graduate programs. #UMGradGoals is designed to give them the information they need to succeed.”
Sharing with your community
Students are able to share their #UMGradGoals with other students as a way of establishing connections and fostering a sense of community across disciplines and campuses. #UMGradGoals also serves to connect graduate students and provide support to see every individual succeed. #UMGradGoals can be shared via the Faculty of Graduate Studies (FGS) website, Facebook page, and Twitter feed to inspire current and future students.
“Feeling part of a community can have an important influence on our ability to succeed,” said Milne. “From it, we can draw encouragement to deal with unexpected hurdles when they arise. We can also share with it our goals as a means to inspire confidence in others. #UMGradGoals provides a point of connection where students working in many varied fields of study can share and learn from one another. It also provides a fun and interactive way to celebrate each other’s successes, thus creating lasting positive experiences we hope our graduates will take with them into the world.”
#UMGradGoals provides the information needed to complete graduate student’s program and share their success with their community and beyond. For more information, check out #UMGradGoals.
*For the months of November and December, post #UMGradGoals on Facebook or Twitter and you could win a Faculty of Grad Studies hoodie – check their Facebook page for more info.