Chunbo Liu, Applied Business Analysis grad
Grads look forward to attending in-person convocation
Extended Education celebrates Spring Convocation June 9
Chunbo Liu was looking for a university certificate to complement the two degrees she already holds when she discovered Applied Business Analysis. Now she is looking forward to celebrating her graduation and starting her career.
Liu is one of over 500 graduates from 22 different programs planning to join us on June 9 as Extended Education holds our first in-person convocation since before the pandemic. The event will also be livestreamed for those who are unable to attend. From certificate programs like Business Analysis to intensive programming options like Applied Human Resource Management, Extended Education graduates are earning UM credentials including certificates to prepare them to move forward in their lives and in their careers.
To join her at the event, Liu plans to invite her language partner, a law student she met through the Language Partner Volunteer Program at the UM English Language Centre. Through their weekly conversations, they have become very good friends.
“I am so excited. For me, this is a brand-new start,” says the graduate from Shanghai, China. “Previously I had bachelor and masters degrees. I didn’t need a degree program. I was looking for a certificate.”
With a background in computer science and information technology, Liu says she likes technical things and analysis so Applied Business Analysis was the perfect fit. “It was very intense. I learned a lot. My ideal job is business analyst.”
She especially enjoyed her Industry Placement, an opportunity that had her using the theories and skills she learned in class and applying them to real life. Most notably, she says her Project Management course instructor offered her new perspective. “He enlightened me. I didn’t realize it could be done this way.”
Studying in a new country during a pandemic has been challenging, she says. “You have to adjust and adapt to the local environment. It can be quite frustrating and depressing at first. But if you try to attend events and programs as much as you can, you start feeling better. Especially with the pandemic, it is good to socialize. I had to find a balance between studying and work. It can be challenging to get home later after your job. You can feel sleepy and frustrated but you can overcome. It was all worthwhile.”
Now that she has earned her certificate, she encourages others to continue their education too. “If you embrace change and work hard, you can achieve anything. Find something you are really interested in. Then you will benefit the most.”

Harinder Kaur, Applied Human Resource Management grad
After completing her studies online due to pandemic restrictions, Applied Human Resource Management graduate Harinder Kaur can’t wait to check out the UM campus with her classmates before she attends our in-person convocation. As an international student from India, she plans to invite her father to join her for the event. And, of course, she will be celebrating among the friends she made during the program.
“I am really happy to graduate,” says Kaur. “We look forward to seeing the campus and then attending our graduation. Seeing everyone in person really offers a feeling of closeness.”
Of course, even though it was remote, her program was not lacking, she says. “It is everything practical, a totally realistic course that allows you to experience ahead of time what you will experience as an HR professional. I will have so many options after this program. Having it on my resume will help me to stand out and get interviews.”
Kaur had a bachelor of commerce degree and was considering a masters in human resources in India when she discovered her UM Extended Education option online. “A masters takes two years. This covers the knowledge and skills and understanding of the HR details in one year. It has opened the door for me in many areas of HR. Now, I can do any job, any HR function.
“If you are really passionate about HR and HR functions, take this course.”