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Going the extra mile for students

May 8, 2012 — 

U of M Professors and Education Alumni make are recognized for the difference they make in the lives of students.

On May 3rd, 2012, University Teaching Services (UTS) provided select students the opportunity to recognize educators who made major contributions to their education at the Students’ Teacher Recognition Reception (STRR). At this year’s event two Faculty of Education members were recognized for their inspired teaching, and one had the unique opportunity of sharing the stage with his father who was also being recognized for his outstanding contributions to learning. In addition, The Faculty of Education is pleased that many of the K-12 teachers recognized at the STRR event are alumni of the U of M. Faculty of Education.

Each faculty is asked to nominate a student for an STRR award. This year, the Faculty of Education selected to recognize Deondra Twerdun, a Bachelor of Education student expected to graduate in spring 2012. Deondra thank her high school Physical Education teacher and coach Cathy Lethbridge for her support and friendship throughout her high school experience. Ms. Lethbridge is a PhsyEd and Computer Science teacher at Fort Richmond Collegiate.

In addition, Deondra also thanked Karen Boyd from the Faculty of Education for being an exceptional example. “I could not have asked for anyone better to influence and educate me as I graduate into the teaching field. She brings stories and experiences from her own teaching days and shares them with us wide-eyed student teachers.” She added: “I would leave every single class knowing that I was a better teacher that day because of her.”

Graduating medical student, Mark Lipson described his high school general science and physics teacher, Dr. Richard Hechter, as “someone who can make what happens in the classroom come alive outside the classroom.” At the time Dr. Hechter was not yet a professor in the Faculty of Education; however, Mark is grateful that he is now training teachers how to teach. “I’m not surprised that Dr. Hechter completed his PhD, but I’m glad he’s imparting his knowledge with future educators.”

In addition, Dr. Richard Hechter had the rare opportunity to also enjoy the STRR event with his father, Dr. Frank J. Hechter who was recognized by Faculty of Dentistry student Phong Than Luong. Richard explains that, “This award captures the essence of how he influences me, and how he is a role model for me in the Faculty of Education. My dad is a very special professor. He engages with his students on both a professional and personal level, and makes the education of his courses meaningful and authentic. He inspires students to grow while honing their skills and knowledge base, all towards developing their identity as dentists.  I hope I do the same as a professor, and achieve the same success as my father as a member of the Faculty of Education.”

At the Faculty of Education, we are encouraged that so many of the teachers who were recognized at the STRR event are U of M, Education Alumni.  Dr. Robert B. Macmillan explains that, “We are pleased to have participated in their development as influential and inspiring educators. At the Faculty of Education, we work tirelessly to lead the way by providing our students access to unique practicum experiences, by encouraging in them a thirst for learning, and by connecting them to award winning faculty members. In addition, we congratulate all the UTS STRR award recipients for dedicating their time and energy to supporting students and contributing to the wellbeing of Education in Manitoba.”

Congratulations to the Faculty of Education Alumni who where recognized at this years Student Teachers Recognition Reception.
Richard Scrapneck [CertEd/80] Alan Dinson [BA/74, CertEd/75, BEd/79] Catherine Ramsay [BSc/94, BEd/96, PBDipEd/04] Maureen Ferley [BEd/93, BMus/93, MEd/06] Cathy Lethbridge [BPE/85, BEd/87, PBCertEd/97] Greg Edwards [PBCertEd/02] Larry Franz [BSc/69, CertEd/71, BEd/76] Richard Hechter [MEd/04] Steven Boyko [PBCertEd/02] Heather Teller [BSc/89, BEd/92, MEd/07] Michèle Lagimodière-Gagnon [B en A/72, B en Ed/88, M en Ed/01]

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