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Fall 2012 Tenure Hearings

July 18, 2012 — 

You are welcome to participate in the tenure hearings of:

Dr. Gary Babiuk, Curriculum, Teaching & Learning, and
Dr. Catherine Casey, Curriculum, Teaching & Learning

Students and faculty are invited to submit letters regarding these candidates’ scholarship, teaching, and service.

All submissions will be shared with the tenure committee.

NOTE: Submissions must be signed, and should not include anything in the body of the letter that identifies the writer.

Send written comments NO LATER THAN August 15, 2012 to:
Office of the Dean,
Faculty of Education
230 Education Building,
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3T 2N2

Fax: (204) 474-7551

Tenure committees are bound by the rules of confidentiality. Your responses will be treated accordingly. Pursuant to Article 20.C.1 of the UMFA Collective Agreement, the Committee Chair shall forward to the candidate all submissions with identifying marks removed. Anonymous material cannot be considered. Only comments relevant to research, teaching, and service will be considered.

If you have any questions, please contact:
Emily Muller
Confidential Assistant to the Dean, Faculty of Education
Rm. 206 Education Building, University of Manitoba
Phone:  474-9170
Fax: 474-7551

© University of Manitoba • Winnipeg, Manitoba • Canada • R3T 2N2

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