Faculty, staff and retirees raise an astonishing $515,000: on track to crush last year’s record
The University of Manitoba’s campus community has already contributed over $515,000 to this year’s Faculty, Staff and Retirees campaign. That’s nearly as much as the total amount raised last year, and it’s only the halfway point of this year’s campaign.
Christine Cyr, who co-chairs the campaign with Daniel Sitar and Emily Etcheverry, is delighted by the level of support they’ve seen so far.
“[Staff and faculty]are the heart of our campus community,” she says. “Their support not only makes this an inspiring place to work, learn, and play, but it changes lives, and inspires greatness in others.”
Every year, donations from the Faculty, Staff and Retirees campaign help support thousands of students and researchers at the University. Cyr, who is the director of the Indigenous Student Centre, says that she chose to co-chair the campaign so she could help support students achieve their goals.
“I still remember how proud I felt when my family, Elders, and friends gathered to celebrate my graduation from the U of M,” she says. “My student experience here changed my life. Now, as a staff member, I’m honoured to have the opportunity to make a positive impact on the lives of so many others.”
On Saturday, October 3, when the University of Manitoba’s Front and Centre campaign launches during halftime at the Winnipeg Blue Bombers game, the campus community can proudly wear the U of M brown and gold, knowing their contributions are reflected in the campaign’s total to date.