Award recipients: Naomi Ratte (left), Smile Singh (top right), Michaela Peyson (bottom right)
Faculty of Architecture Students recognized by the Landscape Architecture Canada Foundation
Naomi Ratte, current Master of Landscape Architecture student and Co-founder of the Indigenous Design and Planning Students Association (IDPSA) was announced as the inaugural Landscape Architecture Canada Foundation (LACF) Peter Jacobs Indigenous Scholarship.
LACF awards the national Peter Jacobs Indigenous Scholarship to a student who demonstrates achievement, creativity, leadership, and dedication to the empowerment of Indigenous people and landscapes through study, design, research or engagement.
To read more visit: https://lacf.ca/news-updates/2021-peter-jacobs-indigenous-scholarship
Michaela Peyson and Smile Singh, master’s of Landscape Architecture students, were also awarded regional awards from the LACF. Michaela was awarded the Andre Schwabenbauer Scholarship and Smile Singh the SALA Academic Award.
Michaela Peyson is currently pursuing her degree in landscape architecture with the aim to amplify new voices and collaborate with diverse perspectives. Smile Singh, with a degree in architecture, went into landscape architecture to explore how the two disciplines intersect and complement each other.
Thank you to the LACF and congratulations to our student recipients.