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Faculty of Graduate Studies
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a gilr leans on a chalkboard advertising a seminar

Essential skills for graduate students: From the thesis to the classroom

May 27, 2014 — 

On May 28 and 29 the Centre for Advancement and Teaching Services is hosting a free, two-day seminar designed to deliver the information graduate students need to be successful as students and as instructors/teaching assistants. Lunch and refreshments will be provided on both days.

The seminar is “Essential skills for graduate students: From the thesis to the classroom”.

The first day provides resources, tools and strategies to help graduate students in their role as student. The morning will focus on academic integrity, using library resources effectively and integrating research. The afternoon will include sessions on working effectively with your advisor, and on useful writing strategies.

The second day focuses on the skills a graduate student needs to be an effective instructor/teaching assistant. Presentation topics include syllabus creation, instructional strategies, assessment and evaluation, teaching with technology, dealing with classroom incivility, and diversity.

Students may register for one or both days.

For more information, click here


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