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Education Graduate & PBDE Student Convocation Fall 2012

October 19, 2012 — 

Congratulations to the following PhD, M.Ed., and PBDE students who recently completed their programs in the Faculty of Education. Their graduation was celebrated at the October 2012 University of Manitoba Convocation Ceremony.
~ Dr. Charlotte Enns, Acting Associate Dean (Graduate & Professional Programs, and Research)

Ph.D. in Education Graduates

Jeffrey Burwell, SJ

Jeffrey Burwell, SJ
Title of Thesis: From Checkpoints to Classrooms: The Managerial Challenges facing Catholic School Leaders in East Jerusalem and the West Bank and their Relation to, and Influence on, School Catholicity
Advisor: David Creamer

Lorna Martin

Lorna Martin
Title of Thesis:  Canadian Professional Standard for Counselling and Psychotherapy: Entry-to-Practice Competency Assessment: A Mixed Methods Exploration of the National Development Process
Co-Advisor: Zana Marie Lutfiyya and John VanWalleghem



Heather McRae

 Heather McRae
Title of Thesis: The Politics and Praxis of Culturally Relevant Sport Education: Empowering Urban Aboriginal Youth Through Community Sport
Advisor: Joanie Halas



 Master of Education Program Graduates
Dr. Francine Morin, Head of the Department of Curriculum, Teaching & Learning (CTL)
Dr. Dawn Wallin, Acting Head of the Department of Educational Administration, Foundations & Psychology (EAF&P)

Master of Education Thesis-Based Graduates:

Margaret Aisicovich
Thesis: A Study of Middle School Students’ Motivation to Learn English as a Second Language
Advisor: Sandra Kouritzin

Amanda Tamara Borton
Thesis: Engaging Reluctant Readers in an Immersion Classroom
Advisor: Gregory Bryan

Gail Lynne Cormier
Thesis: Ayant Droit: An Ethnoliguistic Case Study of Three School Shifters in French-Minority Manitoba
Advisor: Sandra Kouritzin

Katherine Jane Devlin
Thesis: Creating Our Class Story: A Narrative Inquiry into a Mainstream Grade One Teacher’s Journey with EAL Students
Advisor: Yi Li

Lihui Guo
Thesis: Chinese EAL Learners’ Perceptions of Academic Writing Practices in a Canadian University
Advisor: Clea Schmidt

David Andrew Long
Thesis: The Manifold and Intention Curriculum Model: A Way to Create and Evaluate Curriculum
Advisor: Ralph Mason

Michael Paul Lukie
Thesis: In Search of Student Engagement in High School Physics Through Contextual Teaching
Advisor: Donald Metz

Catherine Kelly Paul-Sawatzky
Thesis: Stories and Identities in a “Pedagogy of Meaning”: One Teacher’s Self-Study in Three Parts
Advisor: Wayne Serebrin

Ryan Chadwick Wiebe
Thesis: The Potential Influence of International Student-Teaching Practicums in the Preparation of Pre-Service Teachers
Advisor: Brian Lewthwaite

Master of Education Comprehensive Route Graduates:

Kim Caroline Johnston-Rempel | Advisor: Michelle Honeyford

Heather Anne Robertson Khan | Advisor: Stanley Straw

Meghan Nordman | Advisor: Wayne Serebrin

Karen Pellaers | Advisor: Joanna Black

Preet Saini | Advisor: Denis Hlynka

Cari Rebecca Satran | Advisor: Gary Babiuk

Catharine Teichroew | Advisor: Joanna Black

Master of Education Thesis-Based Graduates:

Ben Akoh
Thesis: Southern and East African Adult Learners Perceptions of a Canadian University Online Course: Application of Khan’s Conceptual Framework
Advisor: Marlene Atleo

Miriam Anne Duff
Thesis: The Child and Family Living with Complex Health Needs in the Community: Lived Experiences and Patterns of Coping and Relationship
Advisor: Riva Bartell

Kimberly Jeanne Embleton
Thesis: Factors Contributing to their Success: Experience of Manitoba Aboriginal Students in Post-Secondary Education
Advisor: Marlene Atleo

Tammy Michelle Froese
Thesis: An INGO’s Implementation Challenges of Inclusive Education in a Developing Country
Advisor: Deo Poonwassie

Christopher Jason Jacques
Thesis: The Green Don Quixotes: Values Development of Education for Sustainable Development Teachers
Advisor: David Mandzuk

Tammy Lynn Mitchell
Thesis: A Study of the Reform Process to provide an Inclusive Model of Service Delivery within a Manitoba Middle Years School
Advisor: Charlotte Enns

Colleen Roberts
Thesis: Student Services Teachers’ Perceptions of Collaboration in Inclusive Schools
Advisor: Donald Freeze

Colleen Sarah West
Thesis: First Nation Educators’ Stories of School Experiences: Reclaiming Resiliency
Advisor: Laara Fitznor

Comprehensive Route Graduates:

Janus Lynne Gayle Bazan | Advisor: Priya Mani

Shannon Brooke Davison | Advisor: Priya Mani

Mara Temple Drmaj | Advisor: Jerome Cranston

Cindy Ann Guimond | Advisor: Dawn Wallin

Joseph Michael Scott Hill | Advisor: Nathalie Piquemal

Jacqueline Noreen Hope | Advisor: Robert Renaud

Leslie Marie Larkin | Advisor: Dawn Wallin

Susan Diane Marlatt | Advisor: Charlotte Enns

Tessa Merril Nussbaum | Advisor: Grace Ukasoanya

Kimberley May O’Laney | Advisor: Dawn Wallin

Juanita Kimberly Peters Loewen | Advisor: Priya Mani

Carolyn Dawn Plett | Advisor: Glen McCabe

Ryan Morley Scott | Advisor: Dawn Wallin

Marla Jean Skaptason Tran | Advisor: Dawn Wallin

Post-Baccalaureate Diploma in Education Graduates:

Amber Ivy-Marie Anderson
Lina Maria Arruda
Michaela Arlene Barling
Jerome Chaka Baseley
Lucy Fatima Batista
Gorette Bento Teves
Jennifer Lynn Bilinsky
Rebecca Joy Fry Book
Stephanie Rose Botincan
Jeffrey Ryan Bretecher
Rina Blaine Starr Bright
Rachelle Alison Burak
Michael Charles Butler
Murray William Carter
Lisa-Beth Costello
Marion Beatric Dick Davey
Cheryl-Lynne Marie Delaquis
Seeven Adam John Denby
Craig Robert François Desautels
Lisa Diane Desautels
Celedonia Cortez Diaz
Janice Elizabeth Dueck
Mary Louise Duncan
Elizabeth Louise Edwards
Amber Nicole Kushnier
Connie Lynn Epp
Wilson Capiendo Fallorin
Sandra Jean Ferguson
Amber Dawn Finch
Arlene Mary Flatfoot-Beaulieu
Leanne Denise Froese
Mark Lloyd Gilchrist
Sheila Margaret Gouriluk
Marcie Deanne Granger
Sandra Anne Gratton
Robyn Jean Harrington
Christa Suzanne Heidinger
Kim Huynh
Stephan Robert Jantz
Laura Arlene Janzen
Nancy Lee Karpinsky
Lorna Ann Kellington
Kimberly Rae Kerelchuk
Marlo Cindy Kozak
Candace Jayne Kraft
Roberta Lynn Kula
Angela Marie Locke
Glenys  Heather MacLeod
Arlene Elinor Macduff
Danis Marie Maduro Machado
Tariqu Mahmood
Angela Maria Mancini
Jennifer Margaret Anne Marchant
Heather Ruth Marks
Margot Reneta McEdward
Carole Leslie McElroy
Lorna Dorothy McLarty
Jennifer Leigh Moran
Daniel Lloyd Muggridge
Ashley Kristin Jannine Nay
Therese Gizele Neduzak
Sherri Nisizeki
Stephen Carl Oberheu
Liann Jane Pelser
Kimberly Lynne Peppler
Amanda Victoria Percival Bouchard
Yvonne Janice Perry
Christie Sabrina Petersen
Cynthia Faye Phillips
Barbara Lynn Evaristo Reimer
Ainslie Laura Russell
Mia Alexandria Safiniuk
Susanne Marie Saiko-Gamble
Deanna Lorraine Scott
Prem Sharma
Michelle Shewchuk
Brenda Louise Stewart
Diana Mary Tabor
Lisa Rose Vitti
Ida Syliva Marie Wastesicoot
Garren Kenneth Werbicki
Sarah Jane Westdal
Cynthia Anne Marie Westra
Corinna Marie Wiebe
Thomas Scott Wood
Jean-Pierre Zink

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