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Educating for Sustainable Well-Being Conference

November 15, 2012 — 

Join us for the Interdisciplinary Conference “Educating for Sustainable Well-Being: Concepts, Issues, Perspectices, and Practices.”

Saturday, November 24, 2012
8:45 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Faculty of Education Building

The conference will focus on (a) what it means to live well within a communal context in a way that is sustainable for future generations and (b) the role that formal, non-formal, and informal education at all age-levels can and should play in supporting such living.

Keynote Address:
Michael Hart, Canada Research Chair in Indigenous Knowledges and Social Work, Faculty of Social Work, University of Manitoba, will deliver his address titled, “The Mino-Pimatisiwin Approach and Sustainable Well-Being: From Inward Journeys to Social Justice.”

Registration is $30 ($10 for students) and includes lunch and morning and afternoon refreshments. Deadline to register is November 18.

You can find more information and the registration form here.

Contact Information:
Name: Thomas Falkenberg
Phone: 204-480-1486

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