Dr. David Mandzuk Appointed New Dean of Education
The Faculty of Education is pleased to announce that Dr. David Mandzuk has been appointed as dean of the Faculty of Education for a five-year term beginning August 1, 2013!
Dr. Mandzuk is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Educational Administration, Foundations and Psychology. He has been the acting dean of the Faculty since September 2012 and prior to this, he served as Associate Dean (Undergraduate Programs) from 2003 to 2012. Since 2007, he has been a member of the Senate Committee on Admissions Appeals, serving as its Chair since 2010.
Service and Education:
In addition to his university contributions, Dr. Mandzuk has played and continues to play a leadership role on boards and committees of various professional associations including serving as President of the Canadian Association of Foundations of Education from 2005-2012, as a member of the Canadian Association for Teacher Education, and the Canadian Society for the Study of Education. He has most recently been selected as the chair-elect of the International Council on Education for Teaching.
Dr. Mandzuk received his doctorate in education from the University of Manitoba in 1994. In 2000, he was appointed as an Assistant Professor at the University and was promoted to Associate Professor in 2007. His areas of teaching and scholarly interest focus on program and policy issues related to initial teacher education and teacher education reform; the professional socialization process in teaching and other professions; the role of the social foundations of education in preparing teachers; teacher authority and its relationship to student engagement; and equity and diversity issues in the teaching profession.
Research and Publications:
Dr. Mandzuk has disseminated his work through refereed journals, books, book reviews, book chapters, and other professional publications, and he regularly presents his work at national and international conferences. He has been the recipient of several honors and awards, including a Manitoba Middle Years Association lifetime membership, the Canadian Association of Foundations of Education Publications and Service Awards and the Canadian Educational Researchers’ Association Award for Most Outstanding English Language Article in 2006. Dr. Mandzuk’s research has also been supported by local, provincial and national sources.
In addition to his university experience and scholarly achievements, Dr. Mandzuk was an elementary and middle school teacher and head teacher for 20 years at several Winnipeg schools.
Welcome to your new role, officially, Dr. Mandzuk!