Don Flaten inducted into Manitoba Agricultural Hall of Fame
Dr. Don Flaten, professor emeritus in the Department of Soil Science at the University of Manitoba, was inducted on July 17 into the Manitoba Agricultural Hall of Fame in honour of his significant field research in soil fertility and crop nutrition, his extension with commodity groups, industry and government and his dedication to agricultural education.
The MAHF citation reads:
Don Flaten, Ph.D., FCSSSF, SSSAF, ASA,P .Ag.
Dr. Don Flaten is a Professor Emeritus in the Department of Soil Science at the University of Manitoba, where he retired in 2021 from his position as Professor in Nutrient Management and Crop Nutrition. Don has however not retired from publishing research papers and maintains a considerable farm, industry, government, and media extension program as well as being an advisor to research funding organizations.

Red River Exhibition Association Board President Jeff Coleman presents Manitoba Agriculture Hall of Fame award to Don Flaten.
From 1987 until 1999, Don was the Director of the School of Agriculture at the University of Manitoba, primarily responsible for curriculum delivery and management of the Diploma in Agriculture program. Professor Flaten was also an Associate Dean from 1990 to 1994. From 1999. Dr. Flaten focused on teaching diploma and degree soil fertility courses. He has taught over 1,600 diploma and degree students soil fertility and crop nutrition. Most farmers, industry employees and government workers in Manitoba can credit their understanding of soil fertility and crop nutrition to Don, a considerable impact of great longevity. After 1999, Professor Flaten ramped up his field research and agricultural extension into major innovation programs at the Department of Soil Science. In addition, from April 2002 until April 2003, through a tumultuous time for the Department, Don was Acting Head of the Dept. of Soil Science. From 2008 until 2012, Don was Chair of the National Centre for Livestock and the Environment where he spearheaded a revitalization of research in integrated livestock and crop production. From January 2013 to June 2013, he stepped in as Acting Associate Head of the Department.
Don has led a productive and impactful field research program with short and long-term contributions to soil fertility and crop nutrition in Manitoba since 1988. His team’s research has primarily been sponsored by the major provincial commodity associations, fertilizer industry companies and groups, national commodity associations and provincial and federal departments of agriculture. 22 M.Sc. or Ph.D. students have conducted field research towards competition of their degrees under the primary supervision of Dr. Flaten. This is of great long-term impact because most of these students are working in Manitoba’s agriculture sector. His excellence in field research is evident in over 98 publications in peer-reviewed journals in the areas of soil fertility and agronomy. He has completed over 40 research reports to commodity, industry or government groups, and given more than 300 extension talks and field tours to producer and commodity association events over his career at the U of M. Just some of Don’s innovative contributions to soil fertility and crop nutrition management include the recognition that vegetation cover contributes more to P runoff losses than soil in no-till systems, the best management of animal manures to prevent excessive P buildup of soils, nutrient management strategies to increase wheat protein, the contribution of topography to variation and management of losses of fall-applied nitrogen, and updating nutrient response curves for modern crop varieties and hybrids.
Before joining the University, Don held positions as the Provincial Soils Specialist for Saskatchewan Agriculture and as a District Agriculturist for Alberta Agriculture. Through all his work experience, Don has contributed to the promotion and adoption of better soil management, crop nutrition and soil fertility practices in every part of the Prairies. Don’s “superpower” is the bi-directional translation of research and on-farm practice among students, producers, industry, governments, and media. As a result, Don has served on 60 committees of professional, community, commodity and government groups and associations to provide his expertise in either chairing, being a member or as an advisor of committees. These committees have been important in informing farmers of sustainable farming practices, shaping policy and developing policy incentives.
For all his sustained and lasting contributions, Don has been recognized with 15 major awards from the University for teaching and farm extension achievements, six national or international awards for teaching and farm extension, and five national or international awards for excellence in research.
Don grew up on the family farm near Weyburn, Saskatchewan. He completed his B.S.A. from the University of Saskatchewan in 1978 and obtained his Ph.D. in Soil Science from the University of Manitoba in 1989. On the farm, he developed a passion for soil management, crop production and sustainable farming practices. That dedication is evident in having given more than 300 extension talks and field tours to producer and commodity association events in his career at the University of Manitoba.
Don is frequently in the rural media which covers his field research findings and seeks his expert commentary on nutrient and soil-related issues. For example, since 2008 there have been 63 articles in the Manitoba Co-operator and 77 in the Western Producer since 1999 on Don’s research or that have interviewed him. Don has always strived to demonstrate excellence in professionalism and has been a member of the Manitoba Institute of Agrologists since 1987.
Don’s service to communities has been considerable and largely involves outreach to youth. He has been a Director of the Manitoba 4-H Foundation, a 4-H judge, assisted in the development of the Grade 11 curriculum in awareness of agriculture, and a member of the Manitoba Rural Leadership Training and Manitoba Agriculture in the Classroom committees. Don has provided numerous presentations introducing soils to elementary school children and mentored students in science fair projects. He has also enjoyed coaching several community basketball and soccer teams