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How do you say beautiful in Italian?

Department celebrates 100 years

November 25, 2013 — 

The ability to speak another language in today’s world of disappearing boundaries and enhanced communication is invaluable. The capacity to exchange ideas and information in one another’s language and the insight into the culture and history of our co-workers derived from that study are a necessary part of mutual understanding.

To celebrate a century of education and scholarship in the romance languages at the University of Manitoba, the department of French, Spanish and Italian in the Faculty of Arts is hosting a centenary colloquium today. Many of the talks will focus on the links forged by the department with the community in Winnipeg and St. Boniface from 1913 to now.

As a country that prides itself on being multicultural, Canadians can only benefit themselves and others by improving and enhancing their language skills. Since 1913, instruction in a language other than English has been part of the Arts curriculum at the University of Manitoba.

What: Centenary Colloquium for the Department of French, Spanish and Italian
When: Monday, November 25, 2013, 2:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Where: 306 Tier Building, Fort Garry Campus, University of Manitoba

The public is welcome to attend.

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