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CTV Winnipeg: Where is Louis Riel? Heritage Minute of Métis leader quietly removed

June 21, 2024 — 

This isn’t the first time Riel’s Heritage Minute video has been pulled from the public eye.

“It was pulled, really quite quickly after it had been completed,” said Adele Perry, a professor of history at the University of Manitoba and director of the Centre for Human Rights Research.

She said Heritage Minutes at the time tended to focus on ‘cheerful’ components of Canada’s past – and Riel’s video was a stark departure from that.

“It depicted, in very concrete terms, the death of an Indigenous leader under circumstances that were quite clearly could be parked at the door of the Canadian state. And I think at that time, it was seen as not particularly palatable, and so it was pulled.”

To read the full story, please visit CTV Winnipeg

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